Nebraska Biobank - RRID SCR_021024


The Nebraska Biobank is a Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI) developed joint effort of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) and Nebraska Medicine to facilitate research in health care.  The Nebraska Biobank is made up of residual blood samples from patients who want to take part.

Patients at the Nebraska Medicine clinics and hospitals are asked at check-in to participate by donating any blood left from their scheduled laboratory tests to the Nebraska Biobank.  Serum, Plasma, and DNA are recovered from the consented samples and stored for future research studies.  Deidentified data from the Electronic Health Record (EHR) such as age range, diagnosis, and medications are linked to the stored samples.  Any faculty member from the University of Nebraska system may request samples from the biobank for their research projects but all requests are subject to feasibility and scientific merit review.

The Nebraska Biobank also offers sample management services to investigators for clinical trials and registries.

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Information for Patients Wishing to Donate to the Biobank