Post-Doc Expectations

This page includes resources and expectations for Postdoctoral Research Associates and their Mentors. 

PostDoc Handbook    

UNMC Mentoring Handbook

As you begin your position as a Postdoctoral Research Associate it is recommended that you review the Yearly Outcomes, Expectations, Annual Review, & Mentor/Mentee Evaluations located to the right under forms.

Expectations of Postdoctoral Research Associates

  1. Achieve and/or make acceptable progress toward achieving CENTRIC Postdoc Yearly Outcomes.
  2. Submit an Individual Development Plan (IDP) within 3 months of entrance to the program.
  3. Complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training within first 6 months of assignment (if needed).
  4. Devote 100% effort to research activities unless a different allocation negotiated.
  5. Remain current on all required regulatory training based on your project and institutional requirements.
  6. Meet with primary mentor weekly and other mentors as needed to discuss progress and concerns. Meet with mentoring team every 6 months
  7. Meet (along with your mentor[s]) with the chair of the CENTRIC Postdoc Committee at least twice year (every 6 months).
  8. Submit an annual written report to be reviewed by the CENTRIC Postdoc Committee prior to submission to UNMC Office of Postdoctoral Education
  9. Join or continue active participation in a regional or national professional organization that supports your research efforts

For additional information about Postdoctoral Education at UNMC, visit the Office of Postdoctoral Education website