I want to see if I am eligible!

The Predicts Study is a health study that is being offered by the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine. In this study we are looking at programs which may help people prevent diabetes by making small changes in how they eat, getting a little more activity, and losing a little bit of weight.

Each program will have information on steps you can take to prevent diabetes. One of the programs will include online materials and a health coach to help you stay on track for 12 months after the program starts. The other program includes a group visit with a health coach to help you eat better, be more active, and lose a little weight, and then you will receive the opportunity to sign up for the online program 12 months later.

You have an equal chance of getting in any of the 2 programs. You will be assigned to a program by chance, like the flip of a coin. You will not be able to choose which program to participate in.

If you join this study, you will start by getting a packet of materials to review, and scheduling a study visit at our Clinical Research Center at UNMC in Omaha. It's located in the same building as Nebraska Medicine Hospital, and we will send you directions. At your visit, before enrolling in the study, you will also need to complete a point of care finger-stick test to see your current level of Hemoglobin A1c, which is a measure of your blood sugar. In order to meet the final eligibility criteria for the study, you will need to have your A1C between 5.7 and 6.4%. Independent of meeting this final eligibility criterion you will receive a $25.00 gift card as a thank you for your time.

If you join this study, you will also be asked to stay in the study for 12 months and you will make 3 study visits (at months 1, 4, and 12) to our study center in Omaha. During each study visit we will measure a lot of things. We will measure your blood pressure, waist, weight, and height. We will also collect blood samples to measure sugar and types of fat in your blood, and ask you to complete a survey.

The risks for being in the study are small. They involve the normal risks you would have from being more active, and having blood work done. Also some of the survey questions may make you uncomfortable or upset, but you do not have to answer them. You might feel uncomfortable interacting online with others in your group, but you can choose not to post or comment.

We also want to assure you that the information you share with us during this study will remain protected and confidential. Only the people working on the study will have access to this information. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may stop at any time.

The PREDICTS study is for anyone aged 19 or older who might be at risk for getting diabetes. First, we just need to ask you a few questions to see if this study would be a good fit for you. It will only take a few minutes, and the information provided here will remain confidential and nothing you tell us will affect the care you receive at Nebraska Medicine or your health insurance.

Do you consent to complete the following screening questions?