
The University of Nebraska Medical Center places a strong emphasis on research. Research across the campus is conducted in all avenues ranging from basic science, translational, clinical outcomes, educational, global health and public health.  There are several NIH funded research laboratories. The University is also the recipient of a National Cancer Institute % 5.3 million dollar grant for the five-year Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in pancreatic cancer. UNMC was one of the only two programs in the US to receive this funding in 2008. The recent announcement of the Fred and Pamela Buffett cancer center is bound to increase the number of research opportunities. The opening of the College of Public Health has also enhanced the number of collaborative research activities.

In line with the University, the Department of Surgery also places a strong emphasis on research. In addition to satisfying the mandatory ACGME requirement, additional research opportunities are also available with several faculty mentors.  There are several NIH funded faculty members in the Department of Surgery with grants amount equivalent to $ 5.9 million for the year 2012-2013. In keeping with the increasing importance, opportunities for outcomes- based research are abundant. Residents that are interested are encouraged to submit abstracts to national meetings and publish manuscripts.  Research travel to present at meetings is appropriately supported.