Core for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

About the Core

MRI-photo.jpgThe Core for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CAMRI) provides state-of-the-art research MRI capabilities for investigators at UNMC and across the greater Omaha area. Housed in UNMC’s Hixson-Lied Center, CAMRI operates a Siemens 3T Prisma MRI instrument that can collect high quality data of any MR modality using advanced gradients and research-grade pulse sequences.  A variety of head coils (20-, 32-, and 64-channel) are available to optimize data collection for the needs of specific studies. Studies incorporating functional MRI can take advantage of CAMRI’s suite of MRI-compatible response devices, mirrored 32-inch LCD screen, and integrated stimulus-display computer.


Rates & Fees

Internal Rates for UNMC/NU system faculty

Cost per Hour
MRI Scan Time $425.00
Tech Fee $125.00
Internal Over Read Fee $50.00
Total cost per hour $600.00
Rates are billed in increments of 15 minutes. A 30-minute minimum applies.  Please contact the core facility director to discuss rates for external users.



David Warren, PhD
Assistant Professor, Neurological Sciences

Soonjo Hwang, MD
Associate Professor, Psychiatry

Jim Brown, BS (R)(CT)(MRI)
Facility Manager, MRI Research Specialist



To discuss opportunities for using the Research MRI scanner, feel free to reach out to us by email or phone.

Jim Brown
(402) 836-9174