University of Nebraska Medical Center

Fang Yu, PhD

Professor, UNMC Department of Biostatistics
Director, UNMC Center for Collaboration on Research Design & Analysis
Co-Director, Biostatistics & Epidemiology Research Design Core, Great Plains IDeA-CTR


Headshot of Fang Yu standing in the College of Public Health.
Fang Qiu, PhD, is director of the Center for Collaboration on Research Design & Analysis and a professor in the UNMC Department of Biostatistics. She joined UNMC in 2007.
  • PhD Statistics, University of Connecticut, 2007
  • MS Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, 2003
  • BM, BS Management Science, Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2000
Research Interests

Dr. Yu's current research interest is in developing and applying statistical methods for analyzing high-dimensional data, missing data from biomedical research, and clinical trials.

Selected Publications
  • Kalajzic I, Staale A, Yang W-P, Wu Y, Johnson SE, Feyen JHM, Krueger W, Maye P, Yu F, Zhao Y, Kuo L, Gupta RR, Achenie LEK, Wang H-W, Shin D-G, and Rowe DW. (2005). Expression Profile of Osteoblast Lineage at Defined Stages of Differentiation, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(6), 24618-24626.
  • Yu F, Chen M-H, and Kuo L. (2007). Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes Using Calibrated Bayes Factors, Statistica Sinica, in press.
  • Huang L, Chen M-H, Yu F, Neal PR, and Anderson GJ. (2008). On Modeling Repeated Binary Responses and Time-Dependent Missing Covariates, JABES, in press.
  • Kuo L, Yu F, and Zhao Y. (2008). A Review for Statistical Methods for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes in Replicated Microarray Experiments, in Statistical Advances in the Biomedical Sciences: Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Survival Analysis, and Bioinformatics, edited by Biswas A, Data S, Fine J, Segal M, Wiley, 341-364.
Professional Affiliations
  • American Statistical Association
  • International Biometric Society (ENAR)
  • International Chinese Statistical Association