University of Nebraska Medical Center

Ran Dai, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Biostatistics


Ran Dai, PhD, MS
Ran Dai, PhD, is an assistant professor for the Department of Biostatistics in the UNMC College of Public Health. She joined UNMC in 2020.
  • 2020 PhD Statistics, University of Chicago
  • 2016 MS Statistics, University of Chicago
  • 2015 PhD Medicinal Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
  • 2009 Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University
Research Interests

Dr. Dai's main research interest is in high dimensional, nonparametric and shape constrained statistical inference, machine learning and multiple testing. She has 5 years of data analysis experience with projects in: nonparametric statistics, shape constrained regression, FDR control, and collaborations in different applied areas including drug development, clinical trial and geology.

Selected Publications
  • R. Dai, H. Song, G. Raskutti and R. F. Barber, (2020) The bias of isotonic regression. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 14: 801-874
  • C. Zheng, R. Dai, R. P. Gale, M. J. Zhang, (2019) Causal inference in randomized clinical trials. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 1-5
  • C. Zheng, R. Dai, P. Hari and M. J. Zhang. (2017) Instrumental variables with competing risk models. Statistics in medicine. 36: 1240-1255
  • F. Liu, S. Dawadi, K. Maize, R. Dai, et al. (2017) Structure-Based Optimization of Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate-Dependent Transaminase Enzyme (BioA) Inhibitors that Target Biotin Biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 60: 5507-5520.
  • R. Dai, R. F. Barber, (2016) The Knockoff filter for FDR control in group-sparse and multitask regression. Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Professional Affiliations
  • American Statistical Association
  • Institute of Mathematical Statistics