University of Nebraska Medical Center

Ying Zhang, PhD

Chair, UNMC Department of Biostatistics
Director, Biostatistics & Epidemiology Research Design Core, Great Plains IDeA-CTR


Ying Zhang

Ying Zhang, PhD, joined UNMC in 2019 as chair of the College of Public Health Department of Biostatistics, where he also serves as a professor. 

He previously served as a professor and director of graduate education in the Department of Biostatistics at Indiana University. He also was a biostatistics professor at the University of Iowa, and held faculty appointments at the University of Central Florida and at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

  • 1998, Ph.D in Statistics, University of Washington
  • 1994, MS in Applied Mathematics, Florida State University
  • 1988, MS in Computational Mathematics, Fudan University
  • 1985, BS in Computational Mathematics, Fudan University


Research Interests

Dr. Zhang conducts statistical methodology research in broad areas including non-/semi-parametric statistical inference, non-/semi-parametric models for panel count and interval-censored data analysis, causal inference, clinical and pragmatic trial design, statistical computing, and machine learning. He also actively collaborates with scientists in the fields of neurodegenerative diseases, neurosciences, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sports medicine and community health promotion by providing rigor in study design, statistical analysis plan and scientific interpretation of analytical results.     

Selected Publications
  • Zhao, H#., Zhang, Y., Zhao, X., and Yu, Z. (2019). A nonparametric regression model for panel count data analysis. Statistica Sinica. 29: 809-826.
  • Zhu, L., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Sun, J., and Robison, LA. (2018). A semiparametric likelihood-based method for regression analysis of mixed panel-count data. Biometrics. 74: 488-497.
  • Lourens, S#., Zhang, Y., Long, JD., and Paulsen, JS. (2017). Analysis of longitudinal censored semicontinuous data with application to the study of executive dysfunction: the tower task. Statistical Methods for Medical Research. 26: 865-879.
  • Zhang, Y., Cheng, G#., and Tu, W. (2016). Robust nonparametric estimation of monotone regression function with interval-censored observations. Biometrics. 72: 720-730. 
  • Wu, Y#. and Zhang, Y. (2012). Partially monotone tensor spline estimation of the joint distribution function with bivariate current status data. Annals of Statistics. 40: 1609-1636.
Professional Affiliations
  • American Statistical Association (ASA)
  • Eastern North American Region, International Biometric Society (ENAR)
  • International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA)