University of Nebraska Medical Center

JoEllyn McMillan, PhD

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Environmental, Agricultural and Occupational Health
Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience


JoEllyn McMillan, PhD

JoEllyn McMillan, PhD, joined UNMC in 2007. She is an associate professor in the UNMC Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Occupational Health of the College of Public Health. She also is an associate professor in the UNMC Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Neuroscience of the College of Medicine.

Previously, she was a research assistant professor in the departments of Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences and Pharmacology at the Medical University of South Carolina.

  • 1987, PhD, Texas A&M University, College Station
  • 1982, B.A. Biology and Chemistry, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
Professional Interests
Dr. McMillan's role in the College of Public Health is in the area of graduate education. She directs a basic toxicology course for both online and campus-based students in the Masters of Public Health Program. She also directs basic and advanced toxicology courses for students in the Environmental Health and Toxicology Doctoral Program in the Department of Environmental, Agricultural and Occupational Health.

Her primary role in the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience is in education. Her focus in education is two-fold. The first is to develop novel educational methods to assist students in learning basic pharmacological concepts for students in Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions programs. The second is to help provide guided discussions for graduate students in Neuroscience to develop skills to critically evaluate and interpret the literature and to use these skills to formulate new approaches in their scientific investigations.

Her research interests have been in the fields of toxicology and development of long-acting drugs for chronic infectious disease such as human immunodeficiency virus. She has used primary liver cells and whole animal rodent models to study mechanisms of liver toxicity of drugs and environmental chemicals such as acetaminophen and trichloroethylene. I have also collaborated with department, UNMC and national investigators with the goal of developing nanoformulations of antiretroviral drugs to provide extended and targeted therapeutic drug concentrations. She has worked with cell culture and animal model systems to understand the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of long-acting prodrug nanoformulations of existing antiretroviral drugs.
Selected Publications
  • Dash PK, Alomar FA, Cox JL, McMillan J, Hackfort BT, Makarov E, Morsey B, Fox HS, Gendelman HE, Gorantla S, Bidasee KR. A Link Between Methylglyoxal and Heart Failure During HIV-1 Infection. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 8:792180. 2021. PMID: 34970611
  • Deodhar S, Sillman B, Bade AN, Avedissian SN, Podany AT, McMillan JM, Gautam N, Hanson B, Dyavar Shetty BL, Szlachetka A, Johnston M, Thurman M, Munt DJ, Dash AK, Markovic M, Dahan A, Alnouti Y, Yazdi A, Kevadiya BD, Byrareddy SN, Cohen SM, Edagwa B, Gendelman HE. Transformation of dolutegravir into an ultra-long-acting parenteral prodrug formulation. Nature Commun. 13:3226. 2022. PMID: 35680875
  • McMillan J, Szlachetka A, Zhou T, Morsey B, Lamberty B, Callen S, Gautam N, Alnouti Y, Edagwa B, Gendelman HE, Fox HS. Pharmacokinetic testing of a first generation cabotegravir prodrug in rhesus macaques. AIDS. 33:585-588, 2019. PMID: 30289818.
  • Dash PK, Kaminski R, Bella R, Su H, Mathews S, Ahooyi TM, Chen C, Mancuso P, Sariyer R, Ferrante P, Donadoni M, Robinson JA, Sillman B, Lin Z, Hilaire J, Banoub M, Elango M, Gautam N, Mosley RL, Poluektova LY, McMillan J, Bade AN, Gorantla S, Sariyer IK, Burdo TH, Young W-B, Amini S, Gordon J, Jacobson JM, Edagwa B, Khalili K, Gendelman HE. Sequential LASER ART and CRISPR Treatments Eliminate HIV-1 in a Subset of Infected Humanized Mice. Nat. Commun. 10:2753. 2019. PMID: 31266936.
  • Hilaire JR, Bade AN, Sillman B, Gautam N, Herskovitz J, Dyavar Shetty BL, Wojtkiewicz MS, Szlachetka A, Lamberty BG, Sravanam S, Fox HS, Alnouti Y, Dash PK, McMillan JM, Edagwa BJ, Gendelman HE. Creation of a long-acting rilpivirine prodrug nanoformulation. J. Control. Release. 311-312:201-211. 2019. PMID: 31491432.
Professional Affiliations
  • Society of Toxicology
  • Delta Omega Honor Society - Gamma Omicron Chapter