University of Nebraska Medical Center

Terry L. Stentz, PhD, MPH, CPE, CPC

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Environmental, Agricultural, and Occupational Health Science
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, The Ohio State University


Terry L. Stentz, PhD, MPH, CPE, CPC, joined the University of Nebrask in 1990 and holds faculty appointments at both UNMC and UNL. He is an associate professor in the UNMC College of Public Health Department of Environmental, Agricultural and Occupational Health. He also is an associate professor in the UNL Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction Department of  Construction Engineering and Management.

Dr. Stentz also is an adjunct associate professor in The Ohio State University Department of Environmental Health.

He previously was vice president and plant engineer of Land and Sky Manufacturing, and was a manufacturing engineer/test engineering manager at Brunswick Defense Products Inc., both in Lincoln.

Dr. Stentz served in the Navy as an aeronautical engineering duty officer and captain.

  • 2000, MPH, Harvard University, School of Public Health, Boston, MA
  • 1997, PhD, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE
  • 1996, MSIE, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE
  • 1989, AM, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
  • 1978, MA, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE
  • 1974, BS, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE
  • 1970, BA, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, NE
Research Interests
  • Occupational safety and health for general industry, construction, and transportation.
  • Industrial engineering and organizational psychology.
  • Ergonomics in food processing, manufacturing, construction, and transportation.
  • Fall injury risk modelling and prevention using wireless remote sensing.
  • Physical/cognitive work simulation and human performance testing; aging workforce.
  • Work-related soft-tissue injury analysis and prevention.
  • Human sleep and shift-work scheduling for systems performance and safety.
Selected Publications
  • Riley, M.W., Cochran, D.J., Stentz, T.L., May, D.R. and Schwoerer, C.E. Case Study #1, Participatory ergonomics interventions in meatpacking, Ed. Gjessing, C.C., Schoenborn, T.F. and Cohen, A., DHHS (NIOSH) Publication, No. 94-124, pp. 51-91.
  • Sposato, R.C., Riley, M.W., Ballard, J.L., Stentz, T.L., and Glisman, C.L. Wrist squareness and median nerve impairment, J Occup Environ Med, 37:1122-1126, 1995. Wrist squareness and median nerve impair... [J Occup Environ Med. 1995] - PubMed - NCBI
  • May, D.R., Schwoerer, C.E., Stentz, T.L., and Cochran, D.J. Effects of ergonomic job design on employees. Health-related outcomes and organizational attitudes: A quasi-experimental field study. Personnel and Human Resource Management Division of the National Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, BC, August 1995.
  • Riley, M.W., Stentz, T.L., and Tarawnecha, I. Safety impact issues of job associated sleep: Final Report, March, 1997. Prepared for Mid-America Transportation Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia, 1997.
  • Cochran, D.J., Stentz, T.L. Stonecipher, BS and Hallbeck, MS Job or task analysis for risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (Chap. 19); Guide for videotaping and gathering data on jobs for analysis of risks of musculoskeletal disorders (Chap. 30); Handbook of Industrial Ergonomics, CRC Press, 2000.
Professional Affiliations

Registrations and Licenses

  • Board Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE)
  • Board Certified Professional Constructor (CPC)
  • Registered Professional Industrial Hygienist (RPIH)
  • Licensed Electrical Contractor-State of Nebraska
  • Certified OSHA Outreach Instructor (29 CFR 1910 - General Industry)
  • Certified OSHA Outreach Instructor (29 CFR 1926 - Construction)

Professional Society Memberships

  • Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) - Senior Member
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) - Member
  • American Institute of Constructors (AIC) - Member
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) - Full Member
  • Association of Registered Professional Industrial Hygienists (ARPIH) - Member
  • American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) - Full Professional Member