University of Nebraska Medical Center

Brittney L. Dickey, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor, UNMC College of Public Health Department of Epidemiology
Full Member, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center


Brittney L. Dickey, PhD, MPH

Brittney L. Dickey, PhD, MPH, is an assistant professor in the UNMC College of Public Health Department of Epidemiology. She is a full member of the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center at UNMC and Nebraska Medicine. 

Previously, she was an applied research scientist in the Department of Cancer Epidemiology of the  Moffitt Cancer Center, where she also was a postdoctoral fellow.
  • PhD in Epidemiology, 2019, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • MPH in Health Promotion, 2013, University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • BS in Biotechnology, 2010, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Research Interests
  • Epidemiology of oncogenic viruses (i.e. HPV, EBV, HBV, HCV)
  • Cancer Epidemiology
  • Screening optimization & biomarker development for early detection of cancers associated with a viral infection
  • Molecular epidemiology & Epigenetics (i.e. genome-wide DNA methylation)
  • HPV natural history
  • Cancer & Aging among people living with HIV
  • Global Health
Selected Publications
  • Dickey, BL, Thompson, Z, Yanik, EL, Burkholder, G, Kitahata, M, Moore, R, Jacobson, J, Napravnik, S, Mathews, C, Christopoulous, K, Fleming, J, Achenbach, C, Coghill, AE The association of immunosuppression and HIV control with risk of a non-AIDS defining cancer among people living with HIV in the United States. JAIDS (in press).
  • Dickey BL, Putney RM, Suneja G, Kresovich JK, Spivak AM, Patel AB, Teng M, Extermann M, Giuliano AR, Gillis N, Berglund A. Differences in epigenetic age by HIV status among patients with a non-AIDS defining cancer. AIDS. 2023 Nov 1;37(13):2049-57.
  • Dickey BL, Giuliano AR, Sirak B, Abrahamsen M, Lazcano-Ponce E, Villa LL, Coghill AE. Control of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) in the Oral Cavity Is Associated With Persistence of Oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 16/18 Among Men From the HPV Infection in Men Study. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2023 Jan 15;227(2):256-60.
  • Dickey BL, Nedjai B, Preece MD, Schell MJ, Boulware D, Whiting J, Sirak B, Abrahamsen M, Isaacs‐Soriano KA, Kennedy K, Chung CH. Methylation of HPV16 and EPB41L3 in oral gargles and the detection of early and late oropharyngeal cancer. Cancer Medicine. 2022 Oct;11(20):3735-42.
Professional Affiliations
  • International Papillomavirus Society