University of Nebraska Medical Center

Julie Casani, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Epidemiology


Julie Casani, MD, MPH

Julie Casani, MD, MPH, joined UNMC in 2023 and is an assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology of the College of Public Health.

She previously was director and medical director of Student Health Services, and chief medical adviser to the chancellor on COVID at North Carolina State University. There, she also served as an adjunct associate professor of Biological Sciences in the College of Sciences; as coordinator of the global health minor; and as faculty of Global Public Health, Agriculture Security and One Health.

She was director of Public Health Preparedness and Response for the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

She also served as director or the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response for the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, as well as an attending physician and clinical director of  Emergency Medicine at Franklin Square Hospital Center in Baltimore.

Earlier, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, she was a consultant and instructor in Bioterrorism and International Disaster Preparedness, an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine, medical director of advanced life support transport, and assistant professor of Emergency Medicine.


  • 1980, MD, New York University School of Medicine
  • 1990, MPH, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • 1980-1982, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Internal Medicine
  • 1982-1983, University of Maryland Medical Center, Internal Medicine
Research Interests
Dr Casani’s career has been focused on preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergencies, disasters and catastrophes. Having entered the fields of emergency medicine and public health preparedness during their infancies, she has had to adapt practices from other like-responses. The greatest challenge was and is to develop an evidence-base for public health preparedness. The fields of interest for her in research include Public Health and Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Epidemiology, Health Disparities and Community Health Resilience, Leadership during Crisis.
Selected Publications
Professional Affiliations
  • American Public Health Association
  • Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
  • Consortium of Universities for Global Health