University of Nebraska Medical Center

Marisa Rosen, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Health Promotion


Professional headshot of Marisa Rosen.

Marisa Rosen, PhD, MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Promotion of the UNMC College of Public Health.  

Marisa has over 10 years of experience as a program evaluator conducting both process and impact evaluations of maternal and child health interventions across the United States. Her current research focuses on designing and implementing whole-of-community interventions to improve population-level maternal and child health outcomes.  

  • 2015 - 2018, PhD, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
  • 2009 - 2011, MPH, Maternal and Child Health, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
  • 2003 - 2007, B.A., International Relations, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
  • Rosen M, Pullyblank K, Rogers A, Wichman C, Baron M, Dzewaltowski D. Rural Diabetes-on-Track project: Facilitating Coordination of Local System Collective Decision-Making Processes for Community-Driven Action. Poster accepted to: 2024 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; October 27-30, 2024; Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Rosen M, Keegan S, Pullyblank K, Nygaard S, Baron M, Dzewaltowski D. Establishing a Rural Community Coordination Process to Improve Population-level Diabetes Outcomes. Poster accepted to: 2024 Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists Conference; August 9-12, 2024; New Orleans, LA. 
  • Rosen, M. S., Von Seggern, M. J., Rogers, A. E., Grimm, B., Ramos, A. K., Schenkelberg, M. A., & Dzewaltowski, D. A. (2024, May). Examining Differences in Rural Community Coordination Systems to Improve Child Population Physical Activity. In D. A. Dzewaltowski & K. Karteroliotis (Chairs), Comparison of Designs for Community-Engaged Systems for Child Population Health Physical Activity: The Wellscapes Randomized Rural Community Effectiveness-Implementation Trial [Symposium]. Oral presentation at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 23rd Meeting, Omaha, NE, United States.  
  • Rosen, M.S., Idoate, R., Von Seggern, M.J., Kellstedt, D., Grimm, B., Ramos, A., Essay, A.M., Dzewaltowski,  
  • D.A. (May 18-21, 2022). Differences in control systems for a whole community physical activity intervention in two randomized rural communities engaging in an Investigate-Design-Practice-Reflect (IDPR) iterative improvement process to build community resilience. In D.A. Dzewaltowski & C.R. Schlechter (Chairs), Comparing designs for resilient whole community physical activity systems for children: Wellscapes rural community randomized trial Wave One effectiveness and implementation outcomes [Symposium]. Oral presentation at the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 21st Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, United States. 
  • Rosen, M., Siahpush, M., & Tibbits, M. (November, 2018). Changes in Contraceptive Behavior among 15-17 year olds and 18-19 year old females in Nebraska: Results from the Year 1 of the Contraceptive Access Project (CAP). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA. 
  • Rosen, M., Tibbits, M., & Peterson, K. (November, 2016). Reducing STD stigma and promoting STD testing among youth: Lessons learned from the Adolescent Health Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.  
  • Tibbits, M. & Rosen, M. (November, 2016). Preventing STDs through a multi-component, community-wide initiative: Year one results of the Adolescent Health Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO.    
  • Rosen, M.S., Rogers, A.E., Von Seggern, M.J., Grimm, B.L., Ramos, A.K., Schenkelberg, M.A., Idoate, R.E., Dzewaltowski, D.A. (2024). Investigate-Design-Practice-Reflect: An Iterative Community-Engaged Action Process to Improve Population Health. Journal of Community Health. (in press) 

  • Pullyblank K., Rosen, M., Rogers, A.E., Wichman, C., Baron, M., Dzewaltowski, D.A. (2024). Community-engaged Systems for Population Health Improvement: A Novel Approach to Improve Diabetes Outcomes in Rural Communities (2024). Journal of Community Health, 1-11.

  • Essay, A.M., Schenkelberg, M.A., Von Seggern, M.J., Rosen, M.S., Schlechter, C.R., Rosenkranz, R.R., Dzewaltowski, D.A. (2023). A protocol for a local community monitoring and feedback system for physical activity in organized group settings for children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 

  • Schenkelberg, M. A., Essay, A. M., Rosen, M. S., Bavari, A. E., Norgelas, S. J., Rosenkranz, R. R., Welk, G. J, Dzewaltowski, D. A. A protocol for coordinating rural community stakeholders to implement whole-of-community youth physical activity surveillance through school systems. Preventive Medicine Reports (2021). doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101536 

  • Tibbits, M., Rosen, M., & Rajaram, S. (2017). Perceptions of Sexual Health Interventions among Urban, Midwestern Female African American Youth. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 10(3), 12. 

  • Vyas, A. N., Landry, M., Schnider, M., Rojas, A. M., & Wood, S. F. (2012). Public health interventions: reaching Latino adolescents via short message service and social media. Journal of medical Internet research, 14(4).