University of Nebraska Medical Center

Ward Chambers, MD

Professor, UNMC Department of Health Services Research & Administration
Executive Director, International Health and Medical Education


  • MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 1973
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska, 1970
  • BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, 1967
Research Interests
  • Health economics
  • Payment reform effects on utilization patterns
  • Workplace wellness strategies
  • Patient education and utilization
  • Home monitoring
Selected Publications
  • Chambers WA, Stratbucker RA, Dzinsio BS, and Forker AD. Defibrillation in Cardiac Emergencies. Ed by R.S. Eliot, et al, Vol 3: p 317-336
  • Stratbucker RA, Chambers WA, and Hagen E. Defibrillator Performance Characteristics Scientific Exhibit. American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting
  • Wolf G, Chambers WA, and Wilson W. Experimental Vascular Bed Reactivity. Radiological Society of North American, 1970
  • Eliot RS, Chambers WA, and Miles RR. The Clinical and Pathophysiological Features of Myocardial Infarction and Sudden Death. Sandorama, 1974
Professional Affiliations
  • American College of Cardiology
  • American Heart Association
  • American Medical Association
  • American Society of Echocardiography
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • Texas Heart Institute, Cardiac Society