University of Nebraska Medical Center


Research articles

  • Ramos, A. K., Adhikari, S., Rautiainen, R., & Yoder, A. (2022). Protecting cattle feedyard workers in the Central States region: Exploring state, regional, and national data on fatal and nonfatal injuries in agriculture and the beef production sector. The Journal of Extension, 60(3), Article 13. DOI: 10.34068/joe.60.03.13
  • Klataske, R.T. & Bendixsen, C. (in press). Cattle feedyard workers in rural Nebraska: Safety, health, and precarity. Great Plains Research.
  • Ramos, A.K., Duysen, E., & Yoder, A.M. (2019). Identifying safety training resource needs in the cattle feeding industry in the Midwest. Safety, 5(2), 26. DOI: 10.3390/safety5020026

Media articles