University of Nebraska Medical Center

University of Nebraska Lincoln


Associate Professor, UNL Architecture Engineering Department

Fadi Alsaleem, PhD

Ron and Carol Cope Professor
Supply Chain Management and Analytics

Özgür Araz

Assistant Professor, School of Computing


Hau Chan, PhD

Associate Professor, School of Computing

Berthe Choueiry, PhD

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Juan Chi, PhD

Professor, Department of Mathematics

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

Huijing Du, PhD

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department

Professor, Department of Mathematics

Willa Cather Professor
Department of Mathematics

Susan Hermiller, PhD

Professor, Department of Sociology

Bilal Khan, PhD

Assistant Professor, College of Engineering

Kyungki Kim, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

Associate Professor, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education

Justin Olmanson, PhD

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering

Dongming Peng, PhD

Professor, Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction

Jay Puckett, PhD

Department Chair and Olson Professor, Department of Mathematics

Associate Professor, Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction

Erica Ryherd, PhD

Professor, School of Computing

Ashok Samal, PhD

Associate Professor, School of Computing

Professor, School of Computing

Leen-Kiat Soh, PhD

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Vinodchandran N. Variyam, PhD

Elmer E. Koch Professor of Engineering
Director of the School of Computing

Marilyn Wolf, PhD

Assistant Professor, School of Computing

Qiuming Yao