University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tiffany Hunt, EdD, RN

Assistant Professor, UNMC College of Nursing


Tiffany Hunt is an assistant professor at the College of Nursing. She received her BSN from UNMC in 2000, her MSN in 2013 and EdD in 2019 with emphasis in nursing education at Bryan College of Health Sciences. She has clinical experience in Adult Critical Nursing and simulation. Dr. Hunt joined the faculty in 2022 with 10 years of previous BSN nursing education experience. She currently teaches in the undergraduate program.
  • 2000, BSN, UNMC
  • 2013, MN, Bryan College of Health Sciences – Lincoln
  • 2019, EdD, Bryan College of Health Sciences - Lincoln
Research Interests
  • Use of simulation to increase student success
  • Service Learning and critical thinking
  • Innovative teaching strategies to increase student success
Grant Support
  • August 2023-May 2025 Title: Bottleneck Reduction: Use of Simulation and Stress Reduction Apps in BSN Courses to Increase Academic Success, Award Amount: $75,000, Tierney, C. (P.I.)
  • Johnson, M. L., Hunt, T., & Johnson, J. P. (2021). Nurse-Led Intervention Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors in a Yazidi Community. Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 32(4), 360–369. https://doi.org/10.1177/1043659620941580
  • UNMC CON Academic Review Committee
  • Member of International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning
  • Member of Sigma Theta Tau
  • 2022, UNMC, Daisy Award Nominee
  • 2020, Bryan College of Health Sciences, Outstanding Faculty Award
  • 2015, Bryan College of Health Sciences, Daisy Award Nominee
  • 2010, Bryan Medical Center, Daisy Award