University of Nebraska Medical Center

Scholar Score

This short video explains the Scholar Score in detail.

A measure of scholarly productivity

Not all scholarly activities are created equal. The Scholar Score is a weighted measure that leverages objective research data to account for the variations in quality, not simply the quantity, of your scholarly productivity. This means you’ll have a better understanding of the true value of your academic contributions. This innovative measure compiles scholarly activity including presentations, publications, grants, and patents into one number – Scholar Score.

Why a Scholar Score?

No published comprehensive scoring systems exist for quantifying academic health professions faculty scholarly productivity that consider the complexity, quality, and degree of involvement beyond a simple count.

What is a Scholar Score?

We created the Scholar Score consulting with experienced health professions academic faculty and administrators in conjunction with a priori and iterative processes. It incorporates a unique, weighted scale of grants, publications, presentations, and patents to tabulate a single Scholar Score. For example, a peer reviewed publication as first author results in a higher score than a non-peer reviewed publication as third of five authors. Types of scholarly activity included in the scale were based on Boyer’s definitions of scholarship: discovery, integration, application, and teaching.

What could you do with a Scholar Score?

  • Share your Scholar Score when applying for a faculty position.
  • Add it to promotion and tenure materials and use it as evidence during performance appraisals.
  • Use your score in research as an outcome measure. (Our research team has already applied it in several projects.)
  • A supervisor or department chair could use the Scholar Score to help evaluate the qualifications of a faculty applicant or use it to highlight department-wide or individual faculty Scholar Scores for accreditation reports.

Learn what a Scholar Score is and what it can do for you.