University of Nebraska Medical Center

Comprehensive Parkinson’s Disease Care

Comprehensive Parkinson’s Disease Care

This course will provide a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to the management of Parkinson’s Disease. Topics will include the pathophysiology of the disease, early and late treatment options, the impact of nutrition and diet, motor and non-motor symptoms and complications, the role of therapies in the early and late stages of PD, and innovative outlooks on therapy and prevention. The activity is designed to enhance the training of PD care providers and was prepared and curated by Movement Disorder’s Fellowship-trained neurologists at UNMC/Nebraska Medicine.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be better able to:

  1. Identify early signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.
  2. Describe the possible causes of PD, including genetic and environmental factors.
  3. State the roles of physical and occupational therapy in PD.
  4. Explain motor and non-motor complications of PD.
  5. Discuss the surgical and non-surgical management options of advanced PD.
  6. State the importance and role of nutrition and diet on PD.
  7. Identify the role of speech therapy in PD.
  8. Recognize the ongoing research focusing on disease modification strategies in PD.

General Information

Registration Information

The registration fee to join this continuing education activity is $100. When registering, please choose the format you would like to attend. The deadline to register is March 17.  

Register Now


Cancel/Refund Policy

Cancellations must be made in writing and sent by mail, fax, or email to the UNMC Center for Continuing Education. A refund of the registration fee, less $25 processing fee, will be given if the request is received by March 17, 2023. No refund will be given after this date.

Course Director

Mara Seier, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological Sciences, UNMC

Mara Seier, MD