University of Nebraska Medical Center

Lifespan Diseases

woman talking at podium with seated woman listening to her

The Lifespan Diseases area of emphasis (AOE) focuses on medical conditions that start in utero or early childhood and persist across a lifespan. These include congenital anomalies, like renal dysplasia, genetic diseases, like cystic fibrosis and other chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, asthma and obesity.

The breadth of topics encompassed in this Lifespan AOE allows for ample collaboration. The group strives to:

  • Identify important research themes across conditions, including the effects of diet and nutrition on chronic disease
  • Encourage the intersection between basic, clinical, translational and implementation science through multidisciplinary collaboration
  • Study the unique phases of lifespan diseases with a focus on important transition periods, such as adolescence
  • Investigate innovative therapeutics from a variety of fields, including pharmaceutical science, nutrition and the microbiome
  • Understand key quality of life indicators for children with lifespan diseases

If you are a CHRI member and would like to join the Lifespan Diseases area of emphasis, please email chri@unmc.edu


Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology

Ashley Deschamp, MD

Division Chief, Pediatric Nephrology

Teri Mauch, MD, PhD
Melissa Thoene, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neonatology

Melissa Thoene