2016 August BEST Journal Club 16CE058

August BEST Journal Club - "Maternal Pain Post Frenotomy" and "Beginning Solids and Breastfeeding"
August 9th, 2016

"Maternal Pain Post Frenotomy"
Lindsey Abbott, BSN, RN, IBCLC, Naturally Healthy Kids

  1. Explain current evidenced-based research findings for maternal pain and infant tongue tie
  2. Discuss why pain reduction is important to continued breastfeeding
  3. Describe research findings based on Naturally Healthy Kids practice data

"Beginning Solids and Breastfeeding"
Laura Wilwerding, MD, IBCLC, Naturally Healthy Kids

  1. Explain the rationale for starting solids at 6 months
  2. Describe the extended breast feeding needs for 6 month old infants
  3. Discuss how and why food allergy recommendations have changed