Elevating the Conversation | Under Pressure: Managing Stress

Elevating the Conversation: Stress and Emotional Well-Being
"Under Pressure: Managing Stress"
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevating the Conversation - Welcome

Prevalence, Consequences, and Drivers of Distress
Presented by: Liselotte Dyrbye, MD, Professor, Mayo Clinic

Stress in the Health Professions: An Interprofessional Perspective
Presented by: Richard Valachovic, DMD, MPH, President & CEO, American Dental Education Association

Systems Level Change-National Level Initiatives
Presented by: Timothy Brigham, PhD, Chief of Staff and Senior Vice-President, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education

Mind Body Medicine in Health Professions Training
Presented by: Darshan Mehta, MD, MPH, Medical Director, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital

Closing Remarks