Technology, Equipment, & Resources
CRISP has equipment available for use in research. Our inventory is always being updated. Below is a list of the equipment along with resources for the equipment. If you have a question about any of the equipment or technology available, please contact Tonya Cejka, CRISP Coordinator.
CRISP also offers REDCap assistance, if needed. Please refer to our REDCap guide here and contact Tonya Cejka, CRISP Coordinator, with any questions!
Examples of technology and equipment available:

Jamar SMART Hand Dynomometer
Jamar SMART Hand Dynomometer Manual

ActiGraph wGT3X-BT
Actigraph Training Modules

Wii Fit U & Wii Balance Board
Wii: support Synch Wii remote to Wii console Setup Wii Balance Board
Tonya Cejka, MA, MS, BS
CRISP Project Coordinator
UNMC College of Nursing985330 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198