Intro to Maternal and Child Health

Students enrolled in the Introduction to Maternal and Child Health course were asked to create op-ed videos that apply the concepts and theories learned in class to a topic of their choice.

The assignment challenges students to make a policy argument in favor of a public health recommendation. The videos were created for audiences that might include policy makers, leaders of professional organizations or taxpayers (through a newspaper or journal editorial). The goal is to advocate for strategies that support evidence-based recommendations to improve public health. Students were encouraged to discuss trade-offs, cost implications, overall societal welfare, and/or health population level health implications.

Please watch the following videos that represent the superb work of our students at UNMC College of Public Health. While all submissions were great, these eight videos in particular were chosen for their excellence in presenting analytical perspectives on important public health issues through an engaging visual medium.

Shannon Maloney, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Promotion

Holly Johnson, IBCLC

Devin Mottier

Destinee Myres - 

Jaikaran Man Singh -