ARPA Awardees List
110 projects receive BHECN-ARPA funding
In July 2022, the Nebraska Legislature passed a measure allocating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN) to administer $25.5 million to various organizations across Nebraska to address the shortage of behavioral health providers in the state.
The pandemic caused a dramatic increase in the need for behavioral health services, and with providers already in short supply, many people experienced long wait times or a complete in ability to access behavioral healthcare. This has become a crisis for many areas of the state, particularly in rural and frontier areas.
During a two-phase application cycle, BHECN received 344 applications requesting more than $74 million in funding. After a comprehensive review process, 110 projects were selected to receive funding with 55 of the awards going to urban organizations and 55 to rural organizations. The full list of BHECN-ARPA Awardees is below.
Behavioral Health Training and Education Opportunities
Funding to metropolitan organizations: $5,015,186 or 43%.
Funding to rural organizations: $6,735,151 or 57%.
- Doane University, Crete, rural, $500,000
- Lutheran Family Services, Omaha, urban, $500,000
- UNMC – Integrated care at Kearney, Omaha, urban, $492,191
- UNMC College of Nursing, Omaha, urban, $499,895
- Chadron State College, Chadron, rural, $490,500
- Great Plains Health, North Platte, rural, $33,860
- Silver Sun Mental Health dba Nebraska Mental Health Centers, Lincoln, urban, $500,000
- Heartland Family Services, Omaha, urban, $491,680
- Autism Care for Toddlers Clinics, MMI, Omaha, rural, $416,000
- Northeast Community College, Norfolk, rural, $343,299.05
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, urban, $500,000
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, urban, $500,000
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, urban, $500,000
- Restore Rebuild Reconnect Counseling Center, Omaha, urban, $374,934
- Center for Psychological Services dba Live Well Counseling Center, Kearney, rural, $81,391.92
- Options in Psychology LLC, Scottsbluff, rural, $398,401
- Child and Family Therapy Institute of Nebraska LLC, North Platte, rural, $124,088
- Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, urban, $500,000
- Morningstar Counseling and Consultation, Lincoln, urban, $496,681
- Youth Emergency Services Inc., Omaha, urban, $190,000
- Western Nebraska Behavioral Health Clinic, Rushville, rural, $438,045
- Western Nebraska Behavioral Health, Rushville, rural, $81,693
- CEDARS Youth Services Inc., Lincoln, urban, $254,272
- HopeSpoke, Lincoln, urban, $499,551
- Creighton University, Omaha, urban, $499,964
- Houses of Hope of Nebraska Inc., Lincoln, urban, $45,300
- Options in Psychology LLC, Scottsbluff, rural, $44,800
- Options in Psychology, LLC, Scottsbluff, rural, $62,010
- Heartland Counseling Services Inc., South Sioux City, rural, $496,074.78
- Northeast Community College, Norfolk, rural, $499,836.40
- Women's Empowering Life Line, Norfolk, rural, $178,656
- Women's Empowering Life Line, Norfolk, rural, $317,215
- Completely Kids, Omaha, urban, $71,000
- Mary Lanning Healthcare, Hastings, rural, $58,000
- Mid-Plains Center for Behavioral Healthcare Services, Inc., Grand Island, rural, $55,000
- CenterPointe, Inc., Lincoln, urban, $72,000
- AM Counseling and Consulting, Bellevue, urban, $72,000
- Siena Francis House, Omaha, urban, $72,000
Telebehavioral Health in Rural Areas
Funding to metropolitan organizations: $3,854,310 or 55%.
Funding to rural organizations: $3,120,288 or 45%.
*All projects have rural components.
- Bryan Telemedicine, Omaha, urban, $1,000,000
- EVALS BY ECK LLC, Scottsbluff, rural, $59,224.78
- Heartland Counseling Services Inc., South Sioux City, rural, $731,339
- Wholeness Healing Center PC, Grand Island, rural, $121,942.61
- Howard County Medical Center, St. Paul, rural, $200,000
- Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Inc., Lincoln, urban, $900,478
- Midwest Encouragement & Counseling Center LLC, Kearney, rural, $63,100
- Center for Psychological Services PC dba Live Well Counseling Center, Kearney, rural, $73,773.99
- Children's Hospital & Medical Center Foundation, Omaha, urban, $500,000
- Blue Elephant Counseling LLC, Dannebrog, rural, $436,237.03
- Quality Healthcare Clinic LLC, Sutton, rural, $688,500
- Silver Sun Mental Health, dba Nebraska Mental Health Centers, Lincoln, urban, $13,911
- Banisters Leadership Academy, Omaha, urban, $500,000
- CEDARS Youth Services, Inc., Lincoln, urban, $114,965.12
- Health Center Association of Nebraska, Omaha, urban, $800,000
- Boone County Health Center, Albion, rural, $44,199
- Pender Community Hospital District, Pender, rural, $556,326.91
- Compass, Kearney, rural, $145,645
- For All Counseling Services Inc, Omaha, urban, $24,952
Behavioral Health Workforce COVID-19 Projects
Funding to metropolitan organizations: $1,245,974 or 57%.
Funding to rural organizations: $944,661 or 43%.
- University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, urban, $80,000
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, urban, $50,000
- University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, rural, $99,999
- University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, rural, $50,000
- Lutheran Family Services, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- Lutheran Family Services, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- Chadron State College, Chadron, rural, $100,000
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital Inc. dba Tri Valley Health System, Cambridge, rural, $35,035
- Restore Rebuild Reconnect Counseling Center, Omaha, urban, $42,788
- HopeSpoke, Lincoln, urban, $100,000
- Wholeness Healing Center PC, Grand Island, rural, $96,406
- Lincoln/Lancaster County Child Advocacy Center, Lincoln, urban, $17,000
- Miller and Micek Consulting LLC, Wayne, rural, $99,721
- Scottsbluff Public Schools, Scottsbluff, rural, $100,000
- Howard County Medical Center, St. Paul, rural, $100,000
- Wholeness Healing Center PC, Grand Island, rural, $100,000
- Wholeness Healing Center PC, Grand Island, rural, $73,500
- UNMC - Wellness Center, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- UNMC - Wellness Center, Omaha, urban, $50,000
- The Bridge Behavioral Health, Lincoln, urban, $99,186
- Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges, Lincoln, urban, $47,250
- Completely KIDS, Omaha, urban, $99,750
- OneWorld Community Health Centers Inc., Omaha, urban, $100,000
- Silver Sun Mental Health, dba Nebraska Mental Health Centers, Lincoln, urban, $50,000
- Options in Psychology, LLC, Scottsbluff, rural, $20,000
- Midtown Health Center, Norfolk, rural, $19,898.95
- Heartland Counseling Services, Inc., South Sioux City, rural, $50,000
- Lincoln Medical Education Partnership, Lincoln, urban, $10,000
- Heartland Family Service, Omaha, urban, $50,000
- Nebraska Alliance of Child Advocacy Centers, Omaha, urban, $50,000
Funding for Supervision of Provisionally Licensed Providers
Funding to metropolitan organizations: $863,953 or 47%.
Funding to rural organizations: $974,378 or 53%.
- Heartland Counseling Services Inc., South Sioux City, rural, $25,000
- Heartland Counseling Services Inc., South Sioux City, rural, $100,000
- Four Corners Health Department, York, rural, $34,803.53
- The Bridge Behavioral Health, Lincoln, urban, $100,000
- Camie L Nitzel, PhD, LP, LLC DBA Kindred Psychology, Lincoln, urban, $99,939
- Wholeness Healing Center PC, Grand Island, rural, $100,000
- The Cord: Where Science Meets Connection LLC, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- AM Counseling and Consulting, Bellevue, urban, $99,354
- Center for Psychological Services PC dba Live Well Counseling Center, Kearney, rural, $45,000
- Center for Psychological Services PC dba Live Well Counseling Center, Kearney, rural, $100,000
- Midwest Encouragement & Counseling Center LLC, Kearney, rural, $31,000
- Options in Psychology LLC, Scottsbluff, rural, $57,600
- Restore Rebuild Reconnect Counseling Center, Omaha, urban, $64,660
- Wholeness Healing Center PC, Grand Island, rural, $99,975
- Cirrus House Inc., Scottsbluff, rural, $81,000
- Cirrus House, Inc., Scottsbluff, rural, $100,000
- Father Flanagan's Boys' Home, Boys Town, urban, $100,000
- University of Nebraska at Omaha, urban, $100,000
- Children's Hospital and Medical Center Foundation, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- Creative Counseling and Studio LLC, Omaha, urban, $100,000
- Inspirit Counseling, PC, Chadron, rural, $100,000
- Mid-Plains Center for Behavioral Healthcare Services, Inc., Grand Island, rural, $100,000