University of Nebraska Medical Center

Pediatric Cancer Research Symposium


Please join us at the 2024 Pediatric Cancer Research Group Symposium on Tuesday, August 27 on the UNMC Campus at the Truhlsen Event Center in the Michael Sorrell Center (MSC) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A poster session will also be featured starting at 7 a.m. 

Program includes:

Invited Speakers
Mechanisms of Gene Regulation as a Target for High Risk MedulloblastomaTherapy 
Rajeev Vibhakar, MD, PhD, MPH/MSPH, Professor, Pediatrics - Heme/Onc and Bone Marrow Transplantation, University of Colorado 

Less Heat, More Light: Discovering Smarter Therapies for Pediatric Brain Tumors
Robert Wechsler-Reya, PhD, H. Houston Merritt Professor of Neurological Sciences, Scientific Director of Brain Tumor Research, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbia University Medical Center

Empowering Pediatric Brain Tumor Research though Open Science-model - from Biological Samples, through Big Data to Precision Medicine
Mateusz Koptyra, PhD, MS, Lab Director, Center for Data Driven Discovery in Biomedicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Featured PCRG Collaborations

Nicole Shonka, MD, Associate Professor, Division of Oncology & Hematology and Surinder Batra, PhD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Paul Trippier, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences; DJ Murry, PharmD, Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science and Sidharth Mahapatra, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics

Aaron Mohs, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Afshin Salehi, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery

Kyle Hewitt, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy and Kate Hyde, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Kishor Bhakat, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy and Ram Mahato, PhD, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences



Please reach out to chri@unmc.edu with any questions.

Poster Session Information 

The 2024 Pediatric Cancer Research Symposium will feature a Poster Session from 7 to 8 a.m. and will also be available during breaks and the lunch hour.

Below are the details for the poster submission. If we receive more than 40 submissions, we will be closing the registration due to space limitations. 

  • We accept scientific posters that are relevant to pediatric cancer research from all levels of investigators.
  • Must be registered to participate (registration is free, and we highly encourage all poster presenters to attend the symposium in person to be able to interact with attendees).
  • Please fill out this intake form no later than August 13 if you plan to have a poster so we can have a spot reserved for you in the atrium.
    • PCRG is supporting printing costs if needed (no reprints please). By using this form, you can help us get the information we need to submit your poster to the print shop (if needed). Posters will be printed in gloss if we process the order on your behalf.
    • Email chri@unmc.edu your poster files for printing (if needed) no later than August 15. Any rush charges will be the responsibility of the investigator.
    • Investigators will be responsible for approving the proof and picking up the final poster from the print shop unless they select on the form that a CHRI representative can pick up on your behalf.
  • Posters should fit on a 48” x 36” board (Please use Brandwise Templates to meet branding requirements – Posters J and N will fit on the boards, and the 56x40 templates can be reduced).
  • If you are a CHRI member, we encourage you to add the CHRI logo.
  • If CHRI is not picking up your poster, please plan to bring your poster on the morning of the event August 27 to be ready for viewing at 7 a.m. Specifics about where to drop them off will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
  • All posters will need to be retrieved at the end of the symposium unless previous arrangements are made with CHRI administrative staff.

You will receive a confirmation email and Outlook calendar invitation for the poster session. 

Click Here to Submit a Poster