University of Nebraska Medical Center

Post-Fall Assessment Tools

  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Post-Fall Assessment Clinical Review: Tool 3N Post-Fall Assessment Clinical Review in the AHRQ Fall Prevention Toolkit provides an example protocol to assess injury risk when a patient has fallen, and provides separate recommendations for falls with or without head trauma and unwitnessed falls.
  • US Department of Veterans Affairs Post-Fall Procedures/Management: The VA National Center for Patient Safety Falls Toolkit policy document offers an example Post-Fall Management protocol (see Section VII and Attachment 3) and differentiates follow-up for patients with and without head trauma.
  • Western Australia Post-Fall Management Guidelines: The 2023 Post-Fall Multidisciplinary Management Guidelines from the Western Australian Department of Health outlines steps to take immediately, and within various time intervals up to 48 hours post fall. It includes specific considerations regarding whether to conduct a CT scan of the head or neck.
  • Clinical Excellence Commission Post-Fall Assessment and Management Guide: The Post-Fall Assessment and Management Guide from the Clinical Excellence Commission of the New South Wales (Australia) Ministry of Health provides guidance and algorithms for the immediate response and ongoing observation/monitoring after a fall. It also includes special considerations for patients at risk of bleeding, head injury, sepsis, and delirium.
Post-Fall Assessment Education