College of Nursing
Research & Scholarship
Research & Innovation in Action
BEST-ICU Clinical Trial
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General FAQ
What is a clinical trial?
A clinical trial is a research study that tests treatments. To compare treatments, clinical trials often assign patients or treatment centers to a specific treatment approach. Clinical trials may help doctors answer many questions about diseases and their treatments.
Why is this clinical trial being conducted?
This trial is being done to see if two different strategies help ICU teams follow the ABCDEF bundle and improve patient outcomes. The two strategies are:
- An ICU dashboard that reminds ICU teams when they need to do something for a patient.
- A nurse facilitator who helps the ICU team with tasks.
Who do I contact if I have questions about this clinical trial?
If you have any questions or concerns about this trial, please contact the Project Coordinator at this phone number: 402-559-4345
Patient FAQ
Why am I being included in this clinical trial?
You are included in this trial because your ICU has agreed to participate. Like all other patients in this ICU who meet the following criteria, you will be part of this trial unless you choose not to participate. We will collect data on all patients in this unit who are:
- Over 19 years old at the time of ICU admission.
- Receiving invasive mechanical ventilation in the ICU.
- Staying in the ICU for at least 24 hours.
How will this clinical trial affect my care?
All patients in this trial will keep getting the care ordered by their ICU providers. Depending on when you are admitted, your ICU will randomly receive either a dashboard or a nurse facilitator.
How long will my participation in this clinical trial last?
Your participation in this study will be for as long as you are in the hospital.
What if I move and have further treatment at an ICU that is not part of the clinical trial?
If you move to another ICU, they might not be part of the BEST ICU study. We will continue to include you in the study, but the new ICU may not have the dashboard or RN facilitator. If you do not want your information included in the study after you move, please call the number below.
Are there risks related to this clinical trial?
There is a risk that your information could be seen by people other than the researchers. Keeping your data private is very important to us, and we will do everything we can to keep all information collected in this trial confidential.
Are there benefits to taking part in this clinical trial?
There is no direct benefit from participating in this research. However, the findings from this trial could help patients in the future.
Provider FAQ
Why am I being included in this clinical trial?
You are being included in this trial because your ICU has agreed to participate and you currently work in this ICU.
How will this clinical trial the way I deliver my care?
All patients in this trial will continue to receive care as ordered and delivered by their ICU providers. Depending on when you work, the ICU you practice in will randomly receive either a dashboard or a RN facilitator.
How long will my participation in this clinical trial last?
This clinical trial will last for 30 months.
Are there risks related to this clinical trial?
There is a risk that your patients’ information could be seen by people other than the researchers. The confidentiality of your data is very important to us and we will make every effort to keep all information collected in this trial strictly confidential.
Are there benefits to taking part in this clinical trial?
There is no direct benefit from participating in this research. It is possible that findings from this trial could help patients in the future.
What if I suspect my patient had a study related adverse event?
Should you suspect your patient had an unfavorable outcome related to BEST ICU study participation please contact the site principle investigator at your institution or click the link on this website.
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IRB# 0794-23-FB