University of Nebraska Medical Center


What are your hours of operation?
Normal business hours for the Nanomaterials Characterization Core are 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Outside of business hours upon special request.

Users who have been trained to operate the instruments independently have 24/7 access.
Do you train users to operate equipment?
Yes, in order to operate instruments independently, users must be trained on any process or instrument provided by the facility.  Please email our Core Administrator to schedule a training session in the lab.
  • During the initial appointment, our Core specialist will demonstrate and teach the technique or procedure to be learned.
  • On subsequent appointments, the User will perform the process with guidance until they are able to complete the task without assistance.
  • Initially, trained users will be restricted to standard hours of operation when staff are available.
  • Upon consistent demonstration of independence, users may be granted 24/7 access.
How will data be provided?
All users are responsible for taking their raw data to store on personal storage media (flash drives / external hard drives). Data storage on Core computers will be promised for up to one calendar month only.
How to reserve the instrument?
All Core instruments can be reserved via RSS. You will be added to the RSS as an “active user” after the training.  If you need assistance using the Scheduler in the RSS, please contact the Core Administrator.
Do I need to acknowledge the Core in publications?
Yes, if data acquired in the Core are to be published, please include the Acknowledgement Statement. A notification of any published data and a link to the citation would be appreciated. NIGMS grant 5P30 GM127200.