University of Nebraska Medical Center

Project PEACE -- Identifying and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Primary Care

kelly.matthew_mug.jpgPresented by Matt Kelly, MD, UNMC Resident

Release Date: 9/5/2023
Expiration Date: 9/4/2024                                                                               


This accredited continuing education activity is designed for primary care providers (physicians, NPs, PAs), nurses (RNs), psychologists, counselors, and social workers.

CID: 59008

The estimated time to complete this enduring material is 45 minutes.
*This module only provides AMA and ANCC credit as it is less than 60 minutes in length. 


At the conclusion of this enduring material, the participants should be better able to:

  • Recite the prevalence, cost and societal impact of anxiety disorders.
  • Describe the initial physical health work up of anxiety disorders.
  • Define the clinical features of anxiety disorders.
  • Discuss evidence-based first-line treatments.
  • Explain the appropriate use and risks associated with benzodiazepines.
  • Describe symptom and illness-specific anxiety disorders. 

See Continuing Education Instructions.

Presented by Matt Kelly, MD, UNMC Resident