University of Nebraska Medical Center

Great Plains Health Informatics Database

The Great Plains Health Informatics Database, operating under the umbrella of the integrated Cancer Data Repository for Cancer Research, is a web-based surveillance system coupled with biospecimen bank developed by the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

The purpose of this registry/biobank is to serve as a repository that stores demographic information, medical and family history details, dietary and environmental exposure history, as well as blood samples on willing participants with no personal history of cancer.

The banked blood samples may be used to develop novel strategies aimed at reducing risk of cancer and other diseases and improving the health of all individuals, particularly those living in rural agricultural regions of the Midwest section of the United States.

The database's participants will be asked to:

  1. Provide a sample of blood that will be used to screen for biomarkers for early detection and risk assessment for cancer and other diseases.
  2. Complete a questionnaire on medical, family, occupational and environmental exposure history and dietary and lifestyle preferences.
  3. Allow access to medical records now and in the future.
The database serves as a resource for future research studies; instead of having to look for volunteers for each new project, researchers can use samples and information that has already been collected in the database.

This resource is available to all participating institutions. Institutional IRB approval and informed consent must be obtained.