University of Nebraska Medical Center

Calendar of Events

Faculty Development, your map to growth

The Office of Faculty Development offers an assortment of programs every year based on the needs and feedback of our faculty and staff. Unless specifically noted, all events are free of charge to UNMC faculty.

Have an idea to share for future programing? Let us know!

Submit Your Ideas

2024-2025 Programming

We've arranged a diverse array of learning opportunities to help you grow as an educator, researcher, clinician, and whole person. Additional details may be added throughout the year, so check back regularly!

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Spring 2025 Programming

AAMC Highlighted Programming

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Summer/Fall 2024 Programming

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Taking the Lead Application Deadline July 15, 2024
Program runs monthly, Aug 2024-May 2025
2nd Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00AM

Community of practice and peer coaching with Dr. Kyle Meyer, Dean of CAHP and co-author of Taking the Lead: A Guide for Emerging Leaders in Academic Medical Centers.

24 Seats Available. Learn More and Apply.

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Generative AI at UNMC: Summer Symposium

Tuesday, July 23
Truhlsen Events Center

This symposium brings together educators, instructional designers, administrators, librarians, and technologists from UNMC and UNO to consider the profound impacts of generative AI on education.

This symposium is cosponsored by the McGoogan Library, College of Public Health, Faculty Development, and Academic Affairs.



Faculty Tech Bootcamp

Thursday, August 22
Live from MSC 4053

Start the semester with a skills tune-up with IT Academic Technologies. Learn the latest hacks in Zoom, Yuja, PollEverywhere, PowerPoint, and other high-use educational platforms.

Upon completion, participants will receive a Canvas Digital Badge, the first of many in a suite of soon-to-be available microcredentials for UNMC learners.

Session co-sponsored by UNMC IT Academic Technologies, IT Workstation Support, and Video Technologies.


Learn More

InovatED symposium

Wednesday, September 11
Truhlsen Events Center

Join fellow educators from across campus to share novel and innovative teaching approaches, exchange practical strategies to implement right away, and foster new collaborations with peers.

Session sponsored by UNMC Interprofessional Academy of Educators.


Get Published: Do What You Do and Get Published, Too.

Thursday, September 12
Live from MSC 4053

Writing won't happen on its own. It requires innovation, creativity, and time. Things you never seem to have enough of. 

This session will demystify the "no time" myth and illuminate the tools you need to GET STARTED. From negotiating for authorships, developing research questions, and revealing the little-known hacks to get your writing off the back-burner, these 60 minutes will be a game-changer for your writing productivity.
Featuring Visiting Faculty, Gary Beck Dallaghan, PhD
Assistant Dean for Accreditation, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dr. Beck Dallaghan is offering a limited number of free 30 minute 1:1 writing coaching sessions during his visit to Nebraska. A link to book your appointment will be included in the calendar invitation for the session.

Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish

Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators & McGoogan Health Sciences Library.



(in-person attendance required at ALL 3 sessions. Hold your calendar. If you cannot attend all three sessions, consider applying another year.)

Power Presentations

3-Part Course: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 24, & Oct. 8
In-person only, UNMC Omaha Classrooms

Your boss asked you to make a presentation at grand rounds… 😱
You’re tired of your amazing lectures being met with bored, blank stares… 😴
You will be on the national stage soon, and want to bring your best!... 💯

Join us for this rich, interactive, practical learning opportunity to take your presentation skills to the next level. You’ll gain valuable information and receive real-time mentoring and feedback to maximize your personal performance on stage or in the classroom.

Application due September 1, 2024



Show me the money! Faculty Retirement Mentoring

Thursday, September 19
WHM 6032, UNMC Omaha

Your future self is calling! There are many right ways to craft your next chapter - learn from those who've done it before you. These small group conversations will illuminate options and considerations, and provide tips on those things you'll later wish you had known earlier.

Session 1: Show me the Money! (Medicare, Social Security, Tax Planning, Retirement Income, etc.)
You’re smart and savvy, but, somehow, no match for logistical nightmare that is retirement financial planning.
Medicare and Social Security are complicated. Retirement income options are not always straightforward. Don’t delay in getting a handle on your understanding, and take every opportunity to learn in advance!
This small group conversation with UNMC retirees, faculty, and benefits manager will shed light on your next steps and spark early thinking.



Crash Course on Student Services

Thursday, September 19
Live from MSC 4053

You have enough on your plate. You don’t need to take on more!
Learn more about what services are available to your students from the UNMC Division of Student Success, and how best to make smooth referrals – help us help you help them!
Featuring Expertise from UNMC Department of Student Success



Power & Politics Application Deadline October 1, 2024
Program runs weekly, Jan 8-Mar 12, 2025
Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30PM

A healthy and inclusive workplace culture takes time, reflection, and daily habits to create and sustain. This 10-week coaching program will empower leaders by navigating power and influence, effective communication, and how to respond to harmful behaviors that could affect team and organizational outcomes.

12 Seats Available. Learn More and Apply.



Coaching Culture Catalyst

Tuesday, October 1
MSC 4053

Immerse yourself in learning this human-centered approach that is useful in interactions throughout the continuum of health science education, from learners through leaders.
Coaching is a skill in growing demand in health professions education settings. Coaching skills are for everyone who aspires to improve personal performance throughout the organization. New insight, increased accountability, career exploration, and leadership development are just a few potential benefits of an organization with a healthy coaching culture.
Visiting Faculty:
Carrie Bowler, PhD, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development



"Say What?!" What to say & how to say it (when the temperature is high)

Wednesday, October 2
Live from MSC 4053

Your classroom, your clinic, and your workplace are not insulated from the hot-button issues of American politics and culture. When tensions rise, it can be difficult to know whether to say something, what to say, and when and how to say it.
This session will empower you to create psychologically safe environments (in your classroom, with your team, and around your dining room table) that foster meaningful and positive professional dialogue.
Featuring expertise from:
Jeff Knapp, LICSW, UNMC Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
Ferial Pearson, EdD, College of Education, Health, and Human Services, University of Nebraska Omaha
Session co-sponsored by Office of Engagement.



Financial Literacy for Early and Mid-Career Faculty

Thursday, October 3
Live from CON 1010

The earlier you start planning for what the future may hold for you, the greater success you'll have in living out your dreams. Join us for an honest conversation about money and learn how to translate your passions into financial independence.

Session 1: Financial Basics



Financial Literacy for Early and Mid-Career Faculty

Wednesday, October 9
Live from MSC 4053

The earlier you start planning for what the future may hold for you, the greater success you'll have in living out your dreams. Join us for an honest conversation about money and learn how to translate your passions into financial independence.

Session 2: Protecting your future and family



How to Get What You Want: Speaking your CFO's Language

Session Rescheduled - Date TBD

You have the great idea. 💡
You know what you need to get there. ⚙️
Now, you just need to make “the ask”… 😱

Coming up with solutions is only part of the equation. For an idea to come to fruition, you must do something completely foreign to many faculty—you must speak like the business gurus.

Learn the language of your CFO and understand the Business Model Canvas (BMC). This skill-building workshop will help you turn “no” into “yes” for your next “big ask” to your CFO, Dean, or philanthropic foundation.
Featuring expertise from:
Anne Barnes, MBA, UNMC Vice Chancellor, Business, Finance, Business Development
Sheila Crow, PhD, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine



Your who and your do. Faculty Retirement Mentoring

Thursday, October 17
Faculty Commons, UNMC Omaha

Your future self is calling! There are many right ways to craft your next chapter - learn from those who've done it before you. These small group conversations will illuminate options and considerations, and provide tips on those things you'll later wish you had known earlier.

Session 2: Who You Are & What You Do
The depth and significance of your career cannot be overstated. How will you possibly fill the time with meaningful activities after you retire? How will you navigate the emotional and psychological transitions relating to the next phase?

These questions are best addressed with the wise counsel of others. This small group conversation with UNMC retirees will illuminate options and considerations for the post-retirement you.



Data Visualization: Teaching, Presenting, and Leading Using Data

Tuesday, October 22
Live from MSC 4053

To much of the world, your work is complicated and advanced (read: boring, yawn, crickets...). Don't let the *data* behind your discoveries bog down your audience. This session will help you craft memorable messages, incorporating the hard facts from your spreadsheets into meaningful, compelling (and, yes, pretty), visualizations to boost your effectiveness as a communicator and leader.

Featuring expertise from:
Martina Clarke, PhD, School of Interdisciplinary Informatics, University of Nebraska Omaha



Building Meaningful, Engaging Learning Experiences

Wednesday, October 23
Live from CON 1010

Featuring visiting faculty Marisol Morales, EdD, MIPS
Executive Director of the Carnegie Elective Classifications at the American Council on Education.

Dr. Morales provides conceptual leadership and operational oversight to the elective classifications’ work in the United States, Australia, and Canada. This includes the collaborative development of and responsibility for all initiatives; oversight and facilitation of relevant national and international advisory committees; conceptualizing and implementing extensive data archives; and developing and enacting a shared vision regarding access to and use of the knowledge produced by the Carnegie Elective Classifications to beneficially guide research, policy, and practice.

Session sponsored by Office of Community Engagement, Office of Faculty Development.



Get Published: Accelerate your Research and Writing with a Librarian

Thursday, October 24
Live from MSC 4053

Is your writing project behind where you'd like it to be? Let the library streamline your workflow. From expert-assisted literature searches to seamless citation managers, your UNMC Librarians have the tools and skills to cut hours out of the research process. Overcome cumbersome processes, and let your librarian help you get published faster.
Featuring expertise from:
Teri Hartman, MLS, Kiara Comfort, MLS, Kim Harp, MLS
McGoogan Health Sciences Library

Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish

Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators, McGoogan Health Sciences Library.



Does Anybody Have a Map? Career Wayfinding

Tuesday, October 29
Live from UNMC Omaha Classroom + Zoom simulcast for state-wide locations
location in calendar invite upon registration.

Are you an early faculty wondering which of the myriad options will set course for your "best" career?

Have you reached Associate Professor, and now wondering how you'll navigate the tradeoffs between career and family obligations?
Do you ever find yourself enticed by an opportunity, only to wonder what's behind Door Number 2

It may be daunting to navigate the myriad options for your “best” career path. A dilemma of “no bad choices” is still a dilemma--often leading decisional paralysis, distress, and/or frustration.

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to identify and address effectively stalled processes in a multiverse of settings – interpersonal, organizational, and personal. Develop a deeper understanding of techniques to identify goals, assess current situations and obstacles, generate possible solutions, and develop a plan of action.

Visiting Faculty, Josepha Cheong, MD, Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry



Mattering Matters: Profoundly Simple Map to Thriving at UNMC

Wednesday, October 30
Live from MSC 4053

Research suggests that feelings of mattering—being seen, valued, appreciated—have a positive impact on day-to-day stress and mental health. We suspect that these feelings of mattering can also contribute to long, satisfying, and impactful careers at UNMC.
Join this panel discussion to foster a strong culture of mattering and belonging among UNMC. We’ll discuss how you can equip yourself to 1) recognize and improve your own feelings of mattering, and 2) adopt natural habits to improve mattering among those around you.
Session co-sponsored by Office of Faculty Development, Office of Engagement, and Campus Wellness.



Financial Literacy for Early and Mid-Career Faculty

Wednesday, November 13
Live from MSC 4053

The earlier you start planning for what the future may hold for you, the greater success you'll have in living out your dreams. Join us for an honest conversation about money and learn how to translate your passions into financial independence.

Session 3: Investing for/Creating Your Future



Promotion & Tenure Essentials

Thursday, November 14

It’s never too early to start preparing for your advancement, and never too often to revisit the conversation.
Hear from institutional experts on how to succeed in the promotion and tenure process at UNMC. We’ll review the need-to-know, the good-to-know, and answer your questions. This session is open to all faculty of any rank, and is the ideal refresher to make sure you’ve got the basics covered.
Featuring expertise from:
Teri Mauch, MD, PhD, Chair of Promotion & Tenure, College of Medicine
Wally Thoreson, PhD, Vice Chair of Promotion & Tenure, College of Medicine



Releasing Cats from Bags: Faculty Retirement Mentoring

Thursday, November 21
Faculty Commons, UNMC Omaha

Your future self is calling! There are many right ways to craft your next chapter - learn from those who've done it before you. These small group conversations will illuminate options and considerations, and provide tips on those things you'll later wish you had known earlier.

Session 3: Releasing Cats from Bags
How and when to have retirement conversations, and plan for your successor. Age increases with time – for everyone. At some point, retirement may be on your horizon, and—ideally—before that point, you’ll want to tell people about it. Whether 6 months or 6 years in the future, join this small group conversation with UNMC retirees to learn about tips and considerations for retirement conversations and succession planning.



WorkSmart: Stoplight Strategy for Surviving Your Day

Thursday, November 21
Live from MSC 4053

Do you ever find yourself feeling frantic about the day ahead? Do unforeseen circumstances throw off your flow, and chip away at your wellbeing? You're not alone! 

Some days, to THRIVE is merely to SURVIVE. Dr. Jayme Dowdall, clinician educator, has systematized the STOPLIGHT Strategy to help her team stay afloat (and yes, thrive!) on days that would otherwise be completely unhinged. 

Featuring expertise from:
Jayme Dowdall, MD, College of Medicine

Check out the other productivity-focused events in the WorkSmart Series: go.unmc.edu/work-smart



What's Your Superpower?

Tuesday, December 3
Live from MSC 4053

Your brand is a combination of the quality of your actual work, as well as what people know of how you do your work. It's the super not-so-secret sauce that sets you apart from the rest of the world.
Knowing, (re)shaping, and projecting your brand will elevate your career success by helping you selectively approach projects and advocate for your own advancement.
Featuring expertise from:
Dana Raml, MD, Riley Machal, MD, Jeana Benton, MD, Lauren Edwards, MD, Linda Love, EdD, Department of Psychiatry



Get Published: Owning, Promoting, and Tracking - oh my!

Thursday, December 5
Live from MSC 4053

Your manuscript has been accepted to a journal! Now what? Before you sign on the dotted line, what are the considerations of ownership of your work? How do you promote and track your work’s impact? In this session, learn about copyright and authorship, disseminating your work through DigitalCommons@UNMC, and tracking your works’ citations. Bonus takes on the impact factor and ORCID ID.
Featuring expertise from:
Heather Brown, MLS, McGoogan Health Sciences Library
Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish
Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators, McGoogan Health Sciences Library.



GenZ @School: Know Thy Learner: The Next Generation of Students

Thursday, December 12
Live from MSC 4053

One of the keys of effective teaching, presenting, and interaction is to know your audience. As the first members of the next generation of learners begins to enter health professions, understanding their perspectives, preferences, and communication style can help you succeed in the classroom and clinic. In this presentation, we will explore the characteristics of our next group of future colleagues and how to best connect with them.
Featuring expertise from:
Geoffrey Talmon, MD, Associate Dean for Medical Education, College of Medicine
Session co-sponsored by Office of Engagement.



WorkSmart: Managing Your Calendar

Thursday, December 12

Don't let your own calendar slow you down or keep you from your important, invigorating work. Attend this session to learn how to make the most of your time and energy when it comes to your Outlook calendar.

Featuring expertise from:
Mike Kozak, MEd, IT Academic Technologies

Check out the other productivity-focused events in the WorkSmart Series: go.unmc.edu/work-smart

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Spring 2025 Programming

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Get Published: Titles and Abstracts: The Real First Impression

Thursday, January 9

Clear titles and abstracts set the stage for communicating your work. They are often what readers (and editors!) utilize to decide if they will continue engaging with your work… or not.
Help your audience understand exactly what your article is about right from the beginning. In this session we will evaluate the wording of titles and abstracts to maximize acceptance of your work for publication/presentation and improve readers’ understanding.
Featuring expertise from:
Kari Nelson, PhD, UNMC Medical Education Research Director
Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish
Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators and McGoogan Health Sciences Library.




GenZ @Work: The Multigenerational Workforce

Thursday, January 16
Live from MSC 4053

Let's spill the tea on the youngest humans in the workforce. Gen Z colleagues are digital natives, have been shaped by TikTok and meme magic, and are reshaping the world. Boomer, you okay? Slay your skills at being a great colleague, boss, and collaborator with the freshest folks in town. This session is going to be lit, no cap.

(Boomer/GenX translation: Join us to learn all about the youngest generation to join today's workforce. Gen Z colleagues are digital natives, are heavily influenced by the vast information on social media, and are making their mark on the world. Do you have trouble keeping up? Build your understanding of those around you to become a better cross-generational colleague, boss, and collaborator. This session is going to be incredible, seriously.)
Featuring expertise from:
Tami Williams, EdD, Department of Educational Leadership, University of Nebraska Omaha
Session co-sponsored by Office of Engagement.



WorkSmart: Taming Your Email

Thursday, January 23

Your Inbox is a perpetual disaster. 

It's not hopeless. 
Attend this session to unlock strategies and little-known hacks for inner-peace with your inbox!

Featuring expertise from:
Mike Kozak, MEd, IT Academic Technologies
Karen Gould, PhD, Vice Chair for Faculty Development, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy

Check out the other productivity-focused events in the WorkSmart Series: go.unmc.edu/work-smart



WorkSmart: AI as an Educator's Creative Companion - A Beginner's Guide

Thursday, January 30

This beginner-friendly session designed specifically for educators will demystify the use of AI tools like ChatGPT, showcasing how they can transform how you prepare and deliver your courses – as well as assist with other tasks in the faculty workflow.

Discover how to harness these tools to enhance learning experiencesimprove efficiency, and spark creativity.

You'll leave with practical knowledge, inspiring examples, and effective techniques to confidently integrate AI into your teaching toolkit. Embrace this opportunity to step into the future of education – where innovation meets empowerment.

Led by visiting expert, Brett Christie, PhD
Vice President, Educational Innovation & Inclusivity, Alchemy
Dr. Christie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from his 20+ years in the California State University system, including 15+ years teaching in educational technology.

Check out the other productivity-focused events in the WorkSmart Series: go.unmc.edu/work-smart



Strategic Planning Got You Down?

Tuesday, February 4

Clear vision for the future? ✅

Plan to make progress? ✅
Sense of the bigger picture? ✅

Have we gotten ahead of you? If you lack any of these things, you're in good company.  In today's world, you need to calibrate for what's ahead not what's here now. Take the pain and doom away from your Strategic Planning and Change processes, and learn how to build better maps to make meaningful and lasting accomplishments.

Featuring expertise from:
Sookyung Suh, PhD, Director of Organizational Change Management, Medical Education, SIU School of Medicine



From Suck to Success: Enhancing the Performance Feedback Experience

Thursday, February 13
Live from MSC 4053

Few people enjoy delivering feedback on poor performance and many leaders underestimate the value of feedback to high performers. But feedback is essential to advancing our collective efforts to their highest potential. 

Visiting faculty, Dr. Mary Sand, has built leadership development programs including a leadership academy for physicians. Her decades of experience as a health care leader and mentor to many leaders provide the foundation for this content. She will share her insights on how to do feedback better.



Get Published: No Excuses. Cross the Finish Line!

Thursday, February 20
Live from MSC 4053

We've all heard the secret sauce to write more.
"Put the 4-hour writing block on your calendar."...
"Hunker down in the library."...
"Reserve Tuesday mornings for reading."
"Write anything and everything. Case reports, original research, narrative reviews, and grants!"...

What if it's all crap? What if there is no secret sauce? What if you just have to do it??
Face the facts that writing can be hard. Especially if you don't find it particularly enjoyable.
This session will uncover the un-sugarcoated tricks that have worked for one struggling writer - perhaps they could work for you, too. 
Featuring expertise from:
Bryant England, MD, PhD, Department of Rheumatology
Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish
Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators and McGoogan Health Sciences Library.



Use the full dataset: Decode the silent language of EQ

Tuesday, February 25
Live from MSC 4053

Have you ever ignored a gut feeling? Do you sense that your intuition has something valuable to say, but you have trouble decoding exactly what?

Research on Emotional Intelligence is proliferating, and for good reason--human emotions carry important untapped data, packed with potential to enhance your leadership, communication, decision-making, and empathy. Join this session for an overview of Emotional Intelligence, a preview of a powerful assessment tool to measure your "EQ", and strategies to help you become more in tune with the wisdom already within you.

Featuring expertise from:
Jaime Dowdall, MD, Associate Professor, Executive Coach, Certified EQ-I Coach



Get Published: Turning Ideas into Scholarship

Thursday, February 27
Live from MSC 4053

You may be missing out on untapped potential in the work and ideas you generate every day. Your ideas can flow in myriad directions as an avenue to advance your scholarly output. This session will tear down mental roadblocks to help you generate publications from the work and thinking you're already doing.
Featuring expertise from:
Jasmine Marcelin, MD, Vice Chair, Equity and Inclusive Excellence, Department of Internal Medicine
Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish
Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators and McGoogan Health Sciences Library.



Effective Delegation: Strategies for Reducing Burnout and Enhancing Wellbeing

Thursday, February 27

Are you drowning in the never-ending stream of patient charts, email replies, and administrative tasks?

You're juggling a lot and--sometimes--a solution is to bring someone else into the work with you. Attend this session to identify opportunities for delegation, learn practical strategies for delegating effectively, and overcome common limiting beliefs that hinder delegation. 

Visiting Faculty Dr. Ryan Stegink, pediatrician and host of The Wellbeing in Medicine Podcast will share his insights so you can get work done sooner!

Check out the other productivity-focused events in the WorkSmart Series: go.unmc.edu/work-smart



Get Published: Never Write Alone. Publish in Teams to go Further, Faster

Wednesday, March 5
Live from UNMC Omaha Classroom

Want to take your writing farther, faster? Collaborative writing offers an avenue for catapulting publications, deepening interprofessional connections, diversifying your scholarship, and broadening your impact. Learn tips and recommendations for building effective writing teams, mitigating challenges of collaboration, and advancing our collective impact.

Led by UNMC Faculty:
Kim Michael, EdD, RT(R), RDMS, RVT, FSDMS
Tanya Custer, PhD, MS, RT(R)(T)

Check out the other sessions in the Get Published. series: go.unmc.edu/publish
Session co-sponsored by Interprofessional Academy of Educators and McGoogan Health Sciences Library.



Leadership Insider: Real Leaders, Real Lessons.

Thursday, March 6
Linder Reading Room

Session 1: Leadership Insider with Joann Sweasy, PhD 
Joann Sweasy, PhD, Director, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, Director, UNMC Eppley Institute shares valuable lessons from her personal leadership experience.



Rethinking Change: Human-centered approach to effective transformation

Thursday, March 13
Live from MSC 4053

You're getting a new leader next quarter...
The new payment processing system launches tomorrow... 
A new process will fix everything! But which improvements will you choose?...
Change and disruption are inevitable, and coming at you more frequently than ever. 
Change is supposed to lead to improvement -- if you can first just get to the other side in one piece! 

In this Faculty Development session, you’ll gain tools to instigate effective transformation and build your change readiness--as a leader and as a follower. Learn the 5 intelligence required to thrive in the future workplace, and develop mindsets that will promote successful transformation. 

Featuring expertise from:
Jenna Smith, ThinkFree Consulting, Transformation Consultant



Leadership Insider: Real Leaders, Real Lessons.

Thursday, March 20
Linder Reading Room

Session 2: How Money Flows in an AMC 
As if a spreadsheet wasn't complicated enough on its own! 
Demystify the inner workings of institutional budgets, finances, and all things money. Glean wisdom from Susan Kraft Mann, Associate Vice Chancellor and Director of Budget Analysis & Financial Compliance.



Transformative Microteaching Strategies for Health Professionals

Tuesday, April 1
Live from MSC 4053

Discover microteaching strategies tailored for teaching and practice in health professions. This session covers face-to-face classroom techniques, innovative online feedback methods, and dynamic micro-content creation using academic technology. Enhance your teaching effectiveness in diverse learning environments.
Featuring expertise from:
Suhasini Kotcherlakota, PhD, UNMC College of Nursing



Leadership Insider: Real Leaders, Real Lessons.

Thursday, April 3
Linder Reading Room

Session 3: How to "Move Up." 
Can being an academic ‘utility infielder’ facilitate your leadership journey? One formula for your next "move up":  Do you have passion(s)?  Do you have skills?  Does the organization need them?
Discuss all things career path, promotion, and opportunities with Rowen Zetterman, MD, Emeritus Professor.



The Weight of Obesity Bias

Thursday, April 10
Live from MSC 4053

Globally, 1 in 8 people lives with obesity. Obesity bias is widely prevalent in educators and learners. Obesity bias heavily impacts individuals living with obesity by worsening their physical and mental health outcomes and impairing their optimal functioning. This educational session will explore obesity bias and address mitigation strategies for the health professions learning environment.
Featuring expertise from:
Birgid Khandalavala, MD, Department of Family Medicine
Riley Machal, MD, Department of Psychiatry
Session co-sponsored by Office of Engagement.



Crossing the 2-way Street of Effective Learner Feedback

Thursday, May 1
Live from MSC 4053

Ready to hone your skills in delivering feedback in a way that maximizes learner engagement? (and doesn't tank your teaching evals)
Looking for avenues to elicit more constructive feedback in how you can develop as an educator?
Join us as we explore the toolkit for effective feedback and how to symbiotically grow with your learners.
Featuring expertise from:
Jennifer Adams, MD, Interim Chair, UNMC Department of Dermatology



The Scholarship of Engagement

Thursday, May 15
Live from MSC 4053

What does Community Engaged Scholarship look like in practice? Let’s talk about why it matters today at UNMC.

Featuring expertise from:
Teresa Cochran, PT, DPT, MA, GCS, FNAP, Assistant Dean at the Health Science Education Complex



Brave Boundaries: Radical Strategies to Take Back Your Time

Thursday, June 5
Live from MSC 4053

With countless demands for your time, when and how do you get to say "no?" Boundaries are critical to productivity, promotion, and workplace joy. In this session, we will discuss practical approaches to implement professional and personal boundaries, and delineate strategies to define and communicate our boundaries to others to elevate our workplace and teams.

Featuring expertise from:
Sasha Shillcutt, MD, MS, Vice Chair, Strategy, UNMC Department of Anesthesiology
Founder/CEO of Brave Enough
Session co-sponsored by Office of Engagement.

AAMC Webinars

In addition to regular UNMC Faculty Development programming, check out virtual development opportunities from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). AAMC account (free) required for access.


View all upcoming AAMC Webinars here.

AAMC account (free) required for access.

Engaging Allyship: Foundational Equity Practice Skills

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
12:00PM CST

AAMC account (free) required for access.

Building AI Partnerships Across Medicine, Industry & Government

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2:00PM CST

AAMC account (free) required for access.

Innovative Programs for Mid-Career Faculty in Academic Medicine

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
11:00AM CST

AAMC account (free) required for access.

Allyship in Practice: Leadership Panel on Learning to be an Ally

Thursday, October 24, 2024
1:00PM CST

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Past Event Reference

Recordings of many past sessions can be viewed on iLearn. Log-in with UNMC credentials at go.unmc.edu/ilearn

2023-2024 Academic Year

Programming Model

program model icons

We believe the most important resource at UNMC is our dedicated people. We also recognize the demands faculty face to be not only productive but innovative leaders as well. The Office of Faculty Development aims to help faculty deal with the rapid changes and evolving paradigms in education, clinical practice, and health care systems.

To meet these ever-changing needs, Faculty Development offers an assortment of different programs every year based on the feedback of our faculty and staff. These events are carefully planned and designed to help UNMC faculty reach their full potential as a:

  • Teacher
  • Leader
  • Scholar
  • Coach/Mentor
  • Creator
  • Collaborator

Read about our model

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Event Attendance Transcript

Transcript of event attendance is available through UNMC | ENGAGE. Log into your account using your NET ID and password, click the profile icon on the top right, and then click "co-curricular transcript".

woman on computer

Past Event Recordings: iLearn Online

Missed an event? Visit iLearn Online, a library of past Faculty Development events, to watch past sessions and access resources.

Go2Knowledge, webinars and learning resources

Additional Learning: Go2Knowledge

Go2Knowledge is an online training platform designed to provide on-demand instruction on a wide array of topics including technology, student success, teaching & learning, institutional effectiveness, and campus safety. Go2Knowledge is free for UNMC Faculty!