

Shilpa Buch, PhD
Director, Nebraska Center for Substance Abuse Research
Professor and Vice Chair for Research
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Kristina Bailey

Kristina Bailey, MD
Associate Professor
Internal Medicine Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep & Allergy
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Jerome Barry

Jerome Barry, MS
Director, Independence Center, LifePointe, & Pastoral Care 
Bryan Medical Center
Lincoln, NE

Rick Bevins

Rick Bevins, PhD
Chair and Cather Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Siddappa Byrareddy

Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Terrance Donohue

Terrence Donohue, PhD
Internal Medicine Division of Gastroenterology-Hepatology
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Shashank Dravid, PhD

Shashank Dravid, PhD
Department of Pharmacology
Creighton University

Courtney Fletcher, PharmD

Courtney Fletcher, PharmD
College of Pharmacy
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Howard Fox

Howard S. Fox, MD, PhD
Department of Neurological Sciences
Senior Associate Dean, UNMC Research and Development
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Howard Gendelman

Howard E. Gendelman, MD
Margaret R. Larson Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases 
Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Santhi Gorantla

Santhi Gorantla, PhD
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Kathleen Grant

Kathleen Grant, MD
Mental/Behavioral Health
VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System (Omaha site)

Kimberly Haynes-Henson, MD

Kimberley K. Haynes-Henson, MD
Associate Professor
Department of  Anesthesiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Ali Khan, MD, MPH

Ali S. Khan, MD MPH
College of Public Health
Professor, Department of Epidemiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Ming Li

Ming Li, PhD
Neuroscience & Behavior Program Coordinator
Department of Psychology
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Qingsheng Li

Qingsheng Li, PhD
School of Biological Sciences and Nebraska Center for Virology
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Steven Lisco, MD

Steven J. Lisco, MD, FCCM, FCCP
Chairman and Professor
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Gurudutt Pendyala

Gurudutt Pendyala, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Larisa Poluektova, MD, PhD

Larisa Poluektova, MD, PhD
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Udaykumar Ranga

Udaykumar Ranga, PhD
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Bangalore, India

Matthew Rizzo, MD

Matthew Rizzo, MD, FAAN
Francis & Edgar Reynolds Chair & Professor, Department of Neurological Sciences
Co-Director, Nebraska Neuroscience Alliance
Director of Neuroscience Services (Neurology, Neurosurgery, Mental Health, Pain Management)
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Debra Romberger, MD

Debra Romberger, MD
Internal Medicine
Professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep & Allergy
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Pankaj Seth

Pankaj Seth, PhD
National Brain Research Centre
Manesar, India

Joseph Sisson, MD

Joseph H. Sisson, MD
Larson Professor and Division Chief
Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep & Allergy
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Phil Tegeler

Phil Tegeler, MPA
Executive Director
The Bridge Behavioral Health
Lincoln, NE

Shinobu Watanbe Galloway, PhD Shinobu Watanabe_Galloway, PhD
Vice Chair and Professor
Department of Epidemiology
College of Public Health
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Steven Wengel, MD Steven P. Wengel, MD
Chair and Professor
Department of Psychiatry
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Charles Wood, PhD Charles Wood, PhD
Lewis Lehr/3M University Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Director, Nebraska Center for Virology
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Honghong Yao

Honghong Yao, PhD
Vice Dean, Chair and Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Southeast University
Nanjing, China

Sowmya Yelamanchili Sowmya Yelamanchili, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Nebraska Medical Center