University of Nebraska Medical Center

Project of the Month – March 2019

Educational Impact of the Stanford Virtual Heart on Non-Medical Citizens

Walker Thomas and his team will be exploring the educational impact of the Stanford Virtual Heart (SVH) on non-medical citizens, anticipating VR can be used to aid in patient education. They would like to quantify the educational value of VR, specifically as it applies to education in common human anatomy. Patients who are better informed may how lower levels of stress and anxiety, may be able to asked better informed questions and improve outcomes. This could be applied to the pediatric community to help parents or children with congenital abnormalities understand how their children’s heart is formed and the steps necessary to correct it.
Method: Three Study Groups.
1st Group – Written Study Guide aided by professional consultation followed by Written Exam
2nd Group – STV with professional consultation followed by Written Exam
3rd Group – Written Study Guide and STV with professional narration followed by Written Exam
VR Technology used: Oculus Rift
People Involved: Walker Thomas, Lace Sindt, Nick Markin, Mike Moulton, Jim Kramer

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