University of Nebraska Medical Center

Course Proposals

Course Proposals or Revisions

  • New course requests and modifications to existing courses are completed via Course Leaf. Please see these detailed instructions to assist you with Course Leaf.
  • You must also complete the COM form and attach this PDF to your Course Leaf request.
  • The request will be reviewed by the Office of Medical Education and, when complete, will be forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for approval.

EMET Proposals

The Curriculum Committee would like to invite you to develop a Medical School Track on a topic in which you have a special interest.

Enhanced Medical School Tracks create an opportunity for medical students to have a rigorous education in a specific interdisciplinary field of medicine that goes beyond the basic curriculum without lengthening the time needed to graduate. These tracks are intended to be challenging for students and will address specific educational objectives in greater depth than is provided in the required curriculum. Tracks provide faculty members with a vehicle to mentor students who share their special interest in a topic in medicine.

The medical school tracks are a longitudinal, interdisciplinary experience for students to work closely with a faculty mentor. Interested students will be admitted during their M1 year and will participate in designated activities, such as seminars, preceptorships, or research, during their M1, M2, and M3 years. With guidance from their mentors, M4 students will produce a capstone project such as a poster or conference presentation. Recognition for students who complete a track may include documentation of performance in their MSPE, acknowledgment of program completion on their transcript, or a certificate presented at the hooding ceremony.

The process for proposing a new EMET

  • Fill out this form if you want to create a new EMET track.
  • Type your responses to the questions in the fields provided on the form.
  • The system will automatically notify the OME of your submission, and you are then placed in the queue for the next available Curriculum Committee meeting.
  • All proposals require review and approval by the Curriculum Committee. The Committee meets every two months, so this process may take several months depending on the planned agenda items for the Curriculum Committee.

For additional information, please contact Kitty Dybdall, MS, MA, Director of the Office of Medical Education.