Validity, Reliability, and Clinical Usefulness of the Research and Clinical Tool- Fatigue (ReACT-F)

Purpose: Accurate assessment of the multidimensional nature of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is needed to drive interventions to mitigate this debilitating symptom. Currently, there are no measures to efficiently assess the multidimensionality of CRF in a clinical setting. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to document the reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the newly developed Research and Clinical Assessment Tool- Fatigue (ReACT-F) questionnaire for use in oncology clinical settings.

Study Population: Adult patients (N=200) diagnosed with cancer

Design: Participants will complete two study visits. At each study visit, participants will be provided 3 self-report multidimensional fatigue questionnaires (MFSI, MFI, and ReACT-F).

Expected Outcomes: Data generated will provide evidence of the reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the ReACT-F as well as information regarding any modifications that are needed to the questionnaire.

Funding: This research is supported by a UNMC College of Nursing internal grant award.