University of Nebraska Medical Center

UNMC Postdoctoral Association

The purpose of the UNMC Postdoctoral Association is to address the needs and concerns of its members by:

  • Providing representation between its members and the administration of the University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Promoting the academic and non-academic career goals of its members
  • Advocating for constructive changes in the research environment and in policies that affect the lives of postdocs and their families
  • Promoting fellowship between postdocs

Learn About the Association


Abdul Rouf Mir, PhD

Postdoctoral Association President
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology

Anand Thiraviyam, PhD

Postdoctoral Association Co-Vice President
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Anand Thiraviyam poses for a headshot
Vandana Singh, PhD

Postdoctoral Association Co-Vice President
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology

Sabah Haq, PhD

Postdoctoral Association Co-Secretary
Pharmacy Practice and Science

Sabah Haq poses for a headshot
Syed Muntazir Andrabi, PhD

Postdoctoral Association Co-Secretary
Transplant Surgery