University of Nebraska Medical Center

Clinical Rotations

Anesthesiologists in OR

Our residency's clinical rotation schedule offers flexibility for elective rotations and personal needs.

To learn more about our program, visit the Testimonials and Tours page for a look at the structure and culture of our program from a resident perspective or download the Residency Applicant Handbook for complete program details.

Case Logs

RRC Procedure RRC Minimum Program Average National Program Average
Total Cardiac 20 87.1 54.2
Total Cesarean Section 20 38.9 65.1
Total Epidural 40 127.9 106.6
Total Intracerebral 20 47 36
Total Intracerebral Open 11 37.5 28.8
Total Intrathoracic non-cardiac 20 38.6 31.8
Total Pain Evaluation - New Patient 20 60.7 55.5
Total Peripheral Nerve Block 40 255.9 181.4
Total Spinal 40 59.9 66.2
Total Vaginal Delivery 40 83 94.2
Total Vascular, major vessels 20 87.6 52.1
Total Life-Threatening Pathology 20 85.8 70.6
Patients < 3 months 5 9.6 9.1
Patients < 3 years 20 106.8 58.4
Patients < 12 years 100 242.2 146.6