University of Nebraska Medical Center

Delaney Lehmann, DO

House Officer II

Delaney Lehmann, DO


Delaney Lehmann

What interested you most in UNMC?:

I was initially drawn to the Offutt/UNMC program because of the rural rotation opportunity in third year and the deal was sealed by the many wonderful faculty members and residents I met as a rotating medical student. I felt instantly welcomed and at home here!

What was your first job?

Freelance musician (playing violin in a string quartet for weddings and other events).

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?:

Sitka, AK

Career aspirations: 

So many ideas! In the short term, stay involved in academia working with a residency program. Perhaps eventually owning my own private medical clinic in a Direct Primary Care model. Regardless, I hope to work with medical students or residents and help them develop as physicians with a lifelong love of learning.

If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?:

I would be a music historian (and run a cat café as a side gig).

If you only had one day in Nebraska, what would you do?:

Statistically speaking I'd probably be working, but if I had the day off I'd try to get outdoors and hike Fontenelle Forest (hopefully in the fall) with friends.

Most fond residency experience or memory up to this point?:

Spending time with my colleagues who really are like my family away from home. Board game nights, bike rides, shooting the breeze in the "frat room" as interns...these people make residency special.