University of Nebraska Medical Center

Advait Vasavada, MD

House Officer I

Advait Vasavada, MD


Advait Vasavada

What interested you most in UNMC?:

When I started learning about UNMC, I realized the place had an opportunity to work with exceptional faculty who love to teach, and a supportive family-like environment. I knew I would learn to be a family physician that is responsible and able to hone my skills in medicine very well.

What was your first job?

My first job was working as a junior resident in plastic surgery back in India. It allowed me to be familiar with the basics of wound care, few operative procedures, and assisting in reconstructive surgeries.

What is the furthest you've traveled from Omaha?:

In the United States, I have been to Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Dallas, Nashville, Boston, and St Louis. Among all of them, Omaha stands out to be one of the most beautiful and safest of all places with the friendliest people. Hands down. I enjoy going to the forests, riverfront, and parks, farmlands (so many of them allow visitors!) and just going on long drives with my wife

Career aspirations: 

Born and raised in a small town in India, I developed a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness between communities, their well-being, and the crucial role of healthcare in nurturing a thriving society. From an early age, I aspired to pursue a career in medicine, with a particular interest in primary care and the holistic approach to patient care that Family Medicine encompasses.

If you couldn't work in medicine, what would you do?:

If not for medicine, I would be a writer. I like to express myself through words and often write answers on Quora.

If you only had one day in Nebraska, what would you do?:

Hard question! I'd either go to the Fontenelle Forest and explore the wilderness or Valas Pumpkin Patch to enjoy the family-friendly farm experience.

Most fond residency experience or memory up to this point?:

Residency is all about constant adventure and seeing cases that challenge you to the point your flight or flight response turns on. Most memorable was the first week of inpatient. My supervisors and colleagues handheld me to get me up to speed with the new system without letting me ever feel abandoned. I felt immense gratitude for them and will forever be in their debt.