College of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
Gastroenterology and Hepatology (GI)
Our Faculty
Natalia Osna, PhD
Natalia Osna, PhD

Research Interests
- Role of inflammation
- Innate immunity
- Apoptosis, proteasome dysfunctions and extracellular vesicles in the mechanisms of liver disease development
- Alcohol-induced liver injury
- HIV-triggered liver injury
- HCV, HBV and HIV-co-infections
- Second hits (co-infections, alcohol) in potentiation of HIV-induced liver and fibrosis progression
Active Grant Support
- "New generation of long acting nucleos(t)ides and immune stimulant for treatment of chronic hepatitis B" Co-Investigator (Poluektova), DHHS/NIH/NIAID
- "Extracellular vesicles as the vehicles for promoting liver injury induced by HIV and alcohol" Principal Investigator, DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
- "Alcohol Center Of Research-Nebraska (ACORN)" Other (Casey), DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
- "Nanoformulation Development and Evaluation in Liver Fibrotic Mouse Models" Co-Investigator (Mahato), DHHS/NIH
- "Extracellular vesicles in alcohol -induced HIV-1 pathogenesis and neuronal damage" Co-Investigator (Gorantla), University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- "Sorting of non-ISGylated HIV proteins to hepatic exosomes promotes liver fibrosis development: role of alcohol" Principal Investigator, DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
- "Role of Lysosome Damage in ALD Pathogenesis" Co-Investigator (Thomes), DHHS/NIH/NIAAA
- MD: Riga Medical Institute, Riga, Latvia, 1978,
- PhD: 1984, Immunology, Latvian Medical Academy, Riga, Latvia, 1978
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Department of Internal Medicine
College of Medicine
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha VA Medical Center
4101 Woolworth Ave.
Omaha, NE 68105