University of Nebraska Medical Center

Jiongru Wu, PhD

Instructor, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Jiongru Wu, PhD
Dr. Wu's primary focus is hands-on experience with various specialized and advanced skills in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology and immunology; cell culture; model of in vitro organogenesis in 3D-culture; bacteriological genetics; protein expression and purification; DNA and RNA preps; molecular cloning and transfection with mammalian cell line; immunoanalytical techniques (antibody production, immunoprecipitation, ELISA, western blot); flow cytometry analysis; advanced PCR techniques (ligation-mediated PCR; real-time PCR; primer design); gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE); DNA sequencing; in situ hybridization; microarray technology (high-throughput data analysis and clustering); HPLC with chromatography applications; spectroscopy (UV-vis, fluorescence, circular dichroism); microcalorimetry (DSC, ITC); biological database; computer-aided data analysis software.


  • Protein-protein interactions/Protein-DNA interactions
  • Signal transduction mechanisms
  • Next-generation sequencing
  • Proteomics and high-throughput analysis in biological systems
  • In-vitro model of human organoids
  • Pathogenesis of human autoimmune diseases
  • Role and function of cytokines in autoimmunity
  • Biomedical laboratory instrumentation
Active Grant Support


  • "IPA - Jiongru Wu" Other (Mannon), VA Medical Center - Omaha
  • PhD: Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1996
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship: Toxicology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000,