Sub-Internships | Externships
Students who are pursuing a career in neurological surgery are invited to rotate with the Department of Neurosurgery for a four-week rotation during their M4 year of medical school. Our rotation is divided into two blocks. The first two week block is spent at UNMC and the second two weeks is spent at Methodist/Children's Hospital.
While on your sub-internship rotation, students are expected to participate in daily rounds, prepare for and attend cases in the operating room, attend conferences and attend clinics with the faculty. Attendance is mandatory. During your rotation, sub-interns are asked to present a brief talk at our monthly conference.
UNMC students will work with our Student Affairs Department and our neurosurgery residency coordinator to pre-arrange a rotation.
For students at outside institutions, all applications must be submitted through VSLO. We recommend using OneSource for your background check as the easiest option.

Apply through VSLO
Apply through VSLO: Visiting Student Learning Opportunities. We look forward to receiving your application!