University of Nebraska Medical Center

Nebraska VR Network for Education & Research

Project of the Month – March 2019

Educational Impact of the Stanford Virtual Heart on Non-Medical Citizens Walker Thomas and his team will be exploring the educational impact of the Stanford Virtual Heart (SVH) on non-medical citizens, anticipating VR can be used to aid in patient education. They would like to quantify the educational value of VR, specifically as it applies to […]

Mar 7, 2019

Project of the Month – Feb 2019

University Hall VR Experience Scheduled for completion in February 2020, this virtual reality experience will re-create the University of Nebraska’s first building, University Hall. Originally constructed from 1869-1871, the production team will create the virtual campus using primary and secondary sources from the 1870s. This project used Unity platform, 360 video technology. People involved in this […]

Feb 8, 2019

Happy 2019 to NeVRNER

Happy New Year! First of 2019. I am very excited to share with you that new core structure has officially formed. We will begin the “Project of the Month” series. We has been attracting more faculty from UNMC and UNO to join NeVRNER. Currently, we have 25 active members. In 2019, we will continue to […]

Jan 8, 2019

Second NeVRNER annual meeting was exceptional!

The second annual meeting was well attended. More than 30 faculty and students came to learn about VR education and research projects. Here are some highlights at the meeting: Dr. Wong from Children’s talked about HoloLens and 3D printing in pediatric clinical practice. Dr. Chien (NeVRNER Coordinator) talked about his research project about using 360 […]

Aug 30, 2018

Second NeVRNER Annual Meeting is almost here

Our second NeVRNER annual meeting will be in August 3, 2018 at MSC 1005, UNMC. Hope to see you all at the meeting, please bring new colleagues with you, share new idea and build new collaboration!

Jul 31, 2018

Welcome latest NeVRNER Members

Please join me to welcome the two latest members, Breanna Hetland from Nursing, and Walker Thomas from Anesthesiology to NeVRNER. The total number of NeVRNER members now reaches 23.  

Mar 9, 2018

Happy 2018 to NeVRNER

Happy New Year! First note of 2018. I am very excited to share with you that all three TIGs are expending and doing well. We has been attracting more faculty from UNL and collaborations from Omaha Children Hospital, to join NeVRNER. Currently, we have 21 active members. In 2018, we will continue to grow and make […]

Jan 10, 2018

First NeVRNER meeting was a blast!

This was our first NeVRNER meeting in July 2017. I am glad to see so many members attend. We will plan to have more great meeting in 2018!

Dec 13, 2017