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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Nebraska VR Network for Education & Research

5th NeVRNER Annual Meeting Highlights

On August 13, 2021, more than 30 participants attending our 5th “Virtual” Annual Meeting. Seven phenomenal individual/groups presented the use of simulation, virtual reality or 360 video to enrich medical education and research. If you were not able to attend, please check out the recorded sessions!

Oct 7, 2021

5th NeVRNER Annual Meeting is Today!

Please register here and join us via Zoom. It is free and virtual event. We will begin at 1pm Central Time! Topics include: Immersive VR in Nursing Education; AR Primer for Educators; Adapting to Alternate Interaction Modalities during COVID; Into the Cave: Developing a cleaning and disinfection activity in VR; Scalable development, deployment, and distribution […]

Aug 13, 2021

Call for Presentations

The Fifth NeVRNER Annual Meeting on August 13, 2021. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Please complete this form by July 11th.  We will review submissions and have a tentative agenda out to participants by August 1, 2021. LINK: https://forms.office.com/r/xn3nkN8qnu

Jul 2, 2021

Project of the Month – March 2021

This exciting project about the use of VR for COVID-19 Primary Care Nursing is conducted by our NeVRNER member, Dr. Beth Culross from UNMC College of Nursing. This project is supported by AACN Faculty Scholars Grants, and highlighted in the following announcement: Foundation for Academic Nursing Announces Inaugural Recipients of the AACN Faculty Scholars Grants […]

Mar 5, 2021

Happy Holidays from NeVRNER Team

Wish all NeVRNER members and family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021, a new beginning with good health.

Dec 15, 2020

4th NeVRNER Annual Meeting – Virtually Successful

On Oct 23, 2020, more than 30 participants attending our 4th “Virtual” Annual Meeting. Five exceptional individual/groups presented the use of simulation, virtual reality or 360 video to enrich medical education and research. If you were not able to attend, please check out the recorded sessions! Thanks all presenters again. Hope to see you all […]

Oct 26, 2020

4th NeVRNER Annual Meeting is Today!

Please register here to get the zoom information. It is a free and virtual event. We starts at noon, and presentation begins at 1230pm! Topics will include: iExcel Update 2020: Learning Technology at lightspeed Using VR to investigate sexual violence Innovations in VR/AR at UNMC COD SimXAR VR

Oct 23, 2020

Save the Date – Oct 23, 2020

The 4th NeVRNER Annual Meeting will be held on Oct 23, 2020. The meeting this year will be online via ZOOM to ensure your safety while joining us. The meeting will begin at noon for virtual gathering and discussion, and the official presentation will begin at 1230pm. Here are some exciting topics: UNMC iEXCEL Update […]

Oct 5, 2020

NeVRNER Annual Meeting 2020 – SAVE the DATE – October 23

We have begun planning for the NeVRNER Annual Meeting October 23, 2020.   We are looking for presenters to talk about their projects, to share innovations and products they have access to, and to share their own expertise that might be helpful to a Virtual/Augmented Reality project team.  Please consider applying for a presentation using the form below.   […]

Aug 5, 2020

Go NeVRNER Teams at the virtual symposium 2020

On May 12, 2020. Two teams of NeVRNER members did successful presentations at the 2020 Innovations in Pedagogy and Technology VIRTUAL symposium. The team led by Joseph and Beth introduced the NeVRNER and highlighted projects to the audience, where the team led by Tess shared experience of using 360 video in education. Many questions and […]

Jun 11, 2020