Program Overview
Rotations based on 4 week blocks.
Year 1
The first year emphasis is on direct patient care, allowing the fellow to immerse themselves in the hands on practice of pulmonary medicine. The fellow has a weekly pulmonary continuity clinic, that continues throughout the fellowship. Seven months during the first year are spent on the inpatient/consultation service, during which time the fellow leads resident rounds and performs consults under the supervision of the attending. Two months during the first year are spent at a nearby pediatric long-term/transitional care facility. These months provide an opportunity for the fellow to gain confidence in the longitudinal care of children with chronic respiratory failure, including those who are tracheostomy and ventilator dependent. In addition to the teaching that occurs during clinical duties, a month of protected time is allotted to education on procedural skills and the interpretation of diagnostic studies. Lastly, protected time is allotted during the first year for the fellow to begin to develop their research project and connect with faculty who may serve as mentors for their research.
Year 2
The second year’s emphasis is on scholarly activity, with eight months devoted to research. The accessibility of pulmonary faculty, basic science researchers, and statisticians aids the fellow’s ability to pursue their research project. During the second year the fellow continues their weekly pulmonary continuity clinic, and spends four months on the inpatient/consultation service. Ongoing direct patient care ensures that clinical skills developed during the first year are retained while pursuing scholarly activity.
Year 3
The third year’s emphasis is divided between scholarly activity and direct patient care. The goal is to complete a scholarly activity project and ensure the fellow is competent with entrustable professional activities as defined by the American Board of Pediatrics. The year includes two months on the inpatient/consultation service, one month at the long-term/transitional care facility, and nine months on research/electives. Weekly pulmonary continuity clinic continues during the third year as well.
The research portion of the fellowship occurs predominantly in the 2nd and 3rd years of training. Fellows will have significant protected time to pursue their scholarly activity. The American Board of Pediatrics defines scholarly activity in broad terms and could include bench research, clinical research, education and quality improvement initiatives. UNMC has many resources to help fellows with their research projects. The division has access to 3 full-time research assistants. There are many ongoing clinical trials that fellows are encouraged to explore. The Learning and Leadership Collaborative (LLC) meets monthly to work on Quality Improvement (QI) initiatives. Faculty within the division are eager to serve as mentors for fellows during their pursuit of scholarly activity. The fellow’s project is overseen by a Scholarly Oversight Committee (SOC)
The Child Health Research Institute is an innovative partnership between UNMC and Children's launched to change - and save - young lives. CHRI is a valuable tool to help fellows coordinate research opportunities.