University of Nebraska Medical Center

Shining a Spotlight on Dr. Krystal Davis

Krystal Davis poses for a headshot

Academy Member Since 2023
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing

What do you do at UNMC?
I am a faculty member at the College of Nursing on the Lincoln Campus teaching first and second-semester didactic and clinical courses. In the clinical setting, I take students to a medical/surgical unit in the acute care setting, work in the skills lab, and also conduct simulations in both high fidelity and immersive virtual reality.

Tell us about your educational research interests and teaching role.
My research interests are in simulation and technology and pedagogy. Current research has been on using immersive virtual reality in the clinical setting and self-care.

What is one of your favorite/memorable teaching moments?
I am a GI/surgical nurse at heart. So, I love teaching over bowel elimination. I love making students laugh that it is a celebration when someone passes gas. I enjoy students laughing about how excited I get about poop :) However, my most memorable moments teaching is seeing my students provide compassionate care. One specific moment was seeing a student holding a patient's hand while they slowly passed away, taking their last breath, as the patient had no family present while tears came down her face. Afterward, the student came to me, saying, "I was so happy I could be there for her last breath, and she didn't die alone." Moments like this tell me I am in the right place.

What do you see as the biggest benefit to being a member of the IAE?
I am excited to grow as an educator and collaborate with some of the best in the country to share ideas to engage students better and grow their critical thinking.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something.

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