University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Treatment

The Clinical Approach to Malaria

This module was developed by UNMC and students at the University of Gitwe to provide an overview on the biology, symptoms, diagnostics and treatment of malaria.

Feb 16, 2017

Symptom Management at the End of Life

This module will educate health care practitioners about the recognition, assessment, and management of symptoms associated with end-of-life care through an interactive case-based scenario.

Apr 21, 2016

Peri-Operative Evaluation: A Primary Care Clinicians Guide to Evidence-Based Care

The aim of this module is to guide learners toward adopting a patient-centered, cost-conscious model of peri-operative care.  Evidence-based practices for peri-operative evaluation is presented in a systematic, case-based manner. Cases center around clinical scenarios that challenge the status quo of traditional practice.

Apr 21, 2016

A Clean Getaway: Scrub Technique and Operating Room Etiquette

The module helps to prepare students for success in their first operating room experiences. Proper scrubbing technique, gowning, and general OR etiquette are demonstrated.

Apr 21, 2016

Clinical Management of Common Medical Problems: Treating Diabetes, Dyslipedemia, and Hypertension

This module provides detailed information on the three most common diseases encountered in the SHARING Clinic: diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. It details background knowledge of the pathogenesis and treatment to more effectively help patients and efficiently utilize clinic time.

Apr 21, 2016

Introduction to Psychiatry

The focus of this module isĀ educating M3 students entering the psychiatry clerkship on knowledge required to succeed in psychiatry, namely interviewing techniques and some basic knowledge regarding presentations and medications.

Apr 21, 2016