Learn about interprofessional simulation and training with iEXCEL.
Request rooms, equipment and training within the Davis Global Center.
Explore the spaces, equipment and technology available within the Davis Global Center.
Learn about high-fidelity surgical and operating room simulation with iEXCEL.
iEXCEL administers FLS, FES and FUSE testing in serving as the only certified SAGES Testing Center in the region.
Learn how iEXCEL utilizes human patients actors for simulation and training.
iEXCEL visualization works hand-in-hand with subject matter experts to develop interactive content for current and emerging platforms.
Explore the existing catalogue of iEXCEL visualization modules for training or content creation utilization.
Meet with the iEXCEL staff to query about research related to the impact of simulation and visualization on human performance and effectiveness in healthcare.
Explore areas of research opportunities and emphasis at iEXCEL.
Learn about the most recent accomplishments at iEXCEL.
Explore the scholarly work produced in collaboration with iEXCEL.
Frequently Asked Questions about research collaboration with iEXCEL and the Davis Global Center.
Request a tour of the Davis Global Center.
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Media inquiries, past publications, newsletters and video archives.
Explore career opportunities with iEXCEL.
The latest in news and events from iEXCEL.
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