Peer-Modeling Feeding Study

Peer-Modeling Feeding Study

An evaluation of sibling-peer modeling on increasing consumption of foods for children with feeding disorders is a research study for children diagnosed with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), or other feeding difficulties – such as food selectivity, and their siblings with no feeding difficulties. During this study, researchers will evaluate the effectiveness of siblings as peer models and the use of differential reinforcement procedures to increase consumption of targeted foods.

IRB# 659-21-EP

Each session will begin with the investigator saying, “it is time to eat”. The child will begin with an empty plate or bowl, and the therapist will tell the child to take a bite as they place a bite within their reach in the bowl or on a plate. The child will be given a specified amount of time to take the bite. If the child takes the bite, they will receive praise and may receive a toy or snack. If the child does not take the bite, the therapist will pick up the bite and hold it at the child’s mouth for a specified amount of time. If the child does not consume the bite, the therapist will remove the bite and move to the next. If the child engages in any disruptive behaviors (out of the seat, yelling, etc.) the therapist will continue, and the behaviors will be ignored. Behaviors that could cause harm to the child or the therapist will be blocked, and the child will be redirected back to the session. The investigator will take notes during each part of the study in order to see what step worked best. The investigator may take the toys or snacks away at the end of the study.

The risks associated with this study are minimal and no different from the risk in standard treatment protocols for alternative procedures.

The potential benefit of participating in this study is that your child will have an opportunity to increase the oral consumption of new foods. If the procedures are not effective, then your child may not receive any direct benefit.

Your child may be eligible for this study if they:

  1. Have a diagnosis of ARFID or has other feeding difficulties
  2. Have a sibling
  3. Can attend to others

Your child may not be eligible for this study if they:

  1. Does not have a feeding difficulty of diagnosis of ARFID
  2. Is under the age of 10 months or over the age of 10 years
  3. Cannot attend to others

Contact us to learn more

402-559-5950 | Department of Pediatric Feeding Disorders